Wife Got A $70,000 TRUCK?!

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Without the horse how will everyone know she’s a country goooorl? 💅


-Why do you need a truck?
-I have a horse.


As someone who grew up with horses, I may be the only 100% honest one. There is not now and is never again going to be a justification for owning a horse EVER. If you own a horse, it’s because you want it, plain and simple. It is as expensive in many cases as owning a pet lion. You can only ever loose financially when owning a horse unless you are a breeder or Amish. It frustrates me to no end the listen to people act like a horse has been in any way justifiable at any time since about 1925. If you are in debt and own a horse, the likelihood that you have a room temperature IQ is likely 100%…


It would be a lot cheaper to have the vet and furrier to come out to them than to buy a 70k truck!


Many people don't realize if you need to use a truck "a couple times a year" you can just rent a uhaul for a couple hundred dollars at most if you require a ton a mileage. $400 per year beats a $70000 loan ($500-1k+ monthly payment btw) not including the interest amount or any other vehicle ownership costs.


My mom needed a truck for her horses a few years back. Got her an 04 2500 suburban with 4x4 and fully loaded. Car cost $2500. She drives it everyday and it has well over 200k miles on her. Super reliable


My wife and I make $250k a year combined. I wanted a pickup, so we bought a used Toyota for $30k. Pickup trucks have gotten so ludicrously expensive.


For a rough frame of reference… a $70, 000 truck with no money down and extended out to a 72-month loan, will run you nearly $1, 300 a month. That’s ridiculous. I just checked Car Gurus right this second within a 50-mile radius of me. There are about 20 trucks that are less than $10, 000. Sure they have about 100-200k miles, but you’re using it for one trip a month it sounds like.

Absolutely nuts to have a $70k truck for this. Also, they really just need to sell the horse from the sounds of it.


99% of landscapers use a old ram 1500 and pull twice the weight twice as often.


Not sure why I expect these people to be smart on this pod.. gets me every single time


The fact she is trying to deflect his logic, shows how smart she is.


This argument is so out of touch. They didn't need a brand new 70k truck they could get a 10 year old truck that tows the same but is half the cost or less. It's not about not having a big truck. It's about the cost


Get a 99/06 Silverado for 4k and a shit box trailer and you can pull a single horse just fine a few times a year.


Oh bs. I have 2 horses and do not own a truck or trailer and know others that don't. Ferriers, by standard, come to your home, I have only seen the need to go to a ferrier when you are dealing with a huge aggressive draft mule, and they have to be put in a shoe rack. Most will just give an aggressive horse a shot.
And you don't take your horse to the vet more than once a year unless you are not taking very good care of your horse. And you only need the once a year coggins test if you are showing or taking them across state lines, not needed for a pleasure horse. And you don't need to float their teeth until they are over 20 years old, again something a vet can schedule to do once a year, and it's cheaper when you schedule in advance so the vet can do multiple appointments in one day.
My horses haven't left the property in at least 10 years. And if they get sick and I can't get a vet to come to the house, then you pay a single day fee to have someone take them to the vet.


Welcome to two things. People living in Texas and keeping up with the Joneses. A lot of people here look down on you if you don't own a truck or SUV. They just immediately assume you're an outsider and they don't feel like you deserve to live around them. I've owned sports cars my entire life here and have had multiple people ask "wHeN aRe yOu GeTtIng a TrUck?" Never. I have absolutely no need for a truck, don't want the garbage gas mileage, and want something that can be fast/fun. My wife and I both have coupes and have a daughter and it has literally never been an issue. I feel like so many people get trucks/SUVs because they've been brainwashed into thinking all cars are way too small to do anything effectively and they have to have a massive SUV or truck to do it. Hell, I pick up groceries in my Camaro with no issues.


Behind every 70k truck (usually more) is an excuse list longer than a CVS receipt. Went to Home Depot 3 times in the last decade, had a trailer at one point, hauls stuff once a year, likes the ability to haul stuff all though they never do.



In debt and she has a horse for pleasure riding, not for business…and thinks it’s justifiable?!?!?!? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


I like how Caleb calls out everybody's bullshit excuses. 💪


Why do you own a horse when you're in debt? Horses are great, but they eat money like it's going out of style...


As a horse owner and someone that works in the equine industry for a living. I have never heard of someone taking there horse to the Ferrier.
