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Ladies and Lads in this video I show all intros outros rage arts and special intros for characters available in the Alpha for TEKKEN 8!

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Kazuya Mishima: 00:00
King: 00:32
Jin Kazama: 01:09
Jack-8: 01:33
Lars Alexandersson: 01:58
Paul Phoenix: 02:21
Marshall Law: 02:52
Nina Wlliams: 03:23
Ling Xiaoyu: 03:53
Jun Kazama: 04:22
Special Intros: 05:06
Outro: 06:13
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that fist bump with Jin and Lars is so clean


These special Intros are so sick, gives these Characters and the lore so much more depth.


Took many years... but we're finally getting them. The one with with Lars and Jin is just fucking sweet


Wow, that Jin and Xiaoyu intro got me. Mostly because Jin is really in his feelings. The expressions are amazing. There’s like longing, tenderness, uncertainty, understanding all playing across his face.


The kazuya/Jun and Jin/Xiao ones hit me right in the feels bro


Given their history, seeing Jin and his uncle give each other a bro fist is so endearing.


I truly enjoy Jin and Xiaoyu's because this interaction truly shows how far these two have come as individuals and as friends. Jin is someone that always had trust issues and always kept himself in layers as a means to protect himself as usually every time he trusts someone completely, they either die, or betray him. Meanwhile with Xiaoyu she was always so bubbly and full of energy, trying to be so forceful to befriend others to the point that she could come off as annoying.

At first I'm pretty sure Jin viewed Xiaoyu as a friend, but not necessarily someone as his equal or to the point where he can open himself up to, especially with how childish Xiaoyu was back then; a distant friend that he knew back in school that was nice but somewhat annoying. Now it feels like Jin is being approached by not only someone deems as an equal, but someone who Jin knows he can trust, and tries to reciprocate Xiao's feelings, but slowly opening himself up to her.

Meanwhile with Xiaoyu, while her feelings haven't necessarily changed, she's more focused on Jin's well being first, before anything else. Jin is more than just a cute guy she had a school girl crush on. He's one of her longest and closest friend, and someone she genuinely cares about. She knows Jin has a hard time opening up, and she respects that and shows restraint by not forcing herself, but rather have him express himself in the best way he knows how: through fighting.

We're seeing an evolution of the two of them maturing together as young adults, as friends, as confidants, and maybe potentially/eventually as lovers. Only time will tell, but seeing this is truly beautiful to watch, as they've both matured a lot.


Lars and Jin sparring in such a way with their respective Mishima lightning blaring throughout, and Xiaoyu sparring with Jin with the intent on getting him to open presentation is so interesting. *Excellent.*


Love the fist bump between Lars and Jin. Cant wait to see more as the development progresses!


That hesitation at around 6:10 from Kazuya to get in his stance. You actively see him start getting into his fight pose but he stops himself for a second. Before officially getting into it. He still cares in some way, even if it's small


"Kazuya, i promise i'll save you"
Guys, this is so f**king important, that means Kazuya can still be saved.
Let me tell ya, the real final boss is not going to be Kazuya, but Devil.


4:47 law's death scream killed me😂


Tekken 5 intro: Heihachi says "NANI?!" before getting blasted by Jack
1:47 Kazuya says "NANI?!" before getting blasted by Jack


The xiao/jin intro has the sweetest, most tender way to starting a fight ever


She promised she’ll save him… After all this years Jun still loves Kazuya


Lars and Jin - same as Ryu and Ken but they are half uncle and nephew.

Jin to Xiaoyu - Has feelings of shame and guilt for involving his close friend in an ongoing family conflict and war but is forced to stand firm to face her as a worthy rival and respected fellow martial artist.

Xiaoyu to Jin - Always wanted to meet and save Jin from the war and conflict but fully understood that he had a lot of crap to deal with at the moment. So has to put her feelings aside and let their fists do the talking.

Kazuya to Jun - Sticks to his agenda to rule the world and destroy Jin but is stopped for a minute when his former lover appears in front of him. Maybe love-strucked or surprise to see Jun still alive all this time.

Jun to Kazuya - Alive or revived just so she can stop both her son and former lover from killing each other and make the world a better place. Such a savior complex. She might be the endgame or idk.

Overall, can't wait to see the other character development unfolds in the next trailer or during game release.


6:06 yes Jun please save Kazuya without killing him 😢😢😢😢😢😢


Jin en Ling greeting is actually very cute. Jin does a traditional kyokushin greeting and Ling traditional kungfu. Exchange of martial arts greetings


Jin and Lars have got to be the most badass Nephew and Uncle duo in the history of video games.


5:33 Goodness I love the slight second pause and her prancing around when Xiaoyu walks up to Jin as she stares at him, so small but adorable. She knows him so well that she knows Jin is in his feelings in that moment of silence. The developers are definitely doing their A game in terms of giving the characters personality and weight!!
