China and Greece: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Partnership

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Την Παρασκευή 27 Μαΐου πραγματοποιήθηκε το Συμπόσιο “China and Greece: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Partnership”, το οποίο διοργανώθηκε από το Ίδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη σε συνεργασία με την Κινεζική Ακαδημία Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, με αφορμή τον εορτασμό των 50 χρόνων πλήρων διπλωματικών σχέσεων μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Κίνας.

Στην εκδήλωση συμμετείχαν επιφανείς προσωπικότητες της πολιτικής, της διπλωματίας και της επιστήμης από τις δύο χώρες, σφραγίζοντας με την παρουσία τους τον δεσμό που συνδέει δύο πολιτισμούς με μοναδική ιστορικότητα για την οικοδόμηση της σύγχρονης ευημερίας. Το Συμπόσιο είχε ως θεματικούς άξονες τον πολιτισμό και την αλληλεπίδραση, την οικονομία και τις επενδύσεις, καθώς και την εξέλιξη των διμερών σχέσεων.

The Symposium “China and Greece: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Partnership” was held on Friday 27 May, organized by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, on the occasion of the celebration of 50 years of full diplomatic relations between China and Greece, which were established in 1972.

The event attended prominent personalities of politics, diplomacy and science from the two countries, sealing with their presence the link that connects two cultures with unique history for building modern prosperity. The theme of the Symposium was evolved around culture and cultural interaction, economy and investment, as well as the development of bilateral relations.

0:00 Mr Konstantinos Mazakis
3:10 Mr Adonis Georgiadis, Minister of Development and Investment
5:48 Congratulatory Letter by Panagiotis Pikrammenos, Deputy Prime Minister of Greece
9:04 Mr Zhao Qi, Secretary General of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
15:48 Mr Kostas Frangogiannis, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy
25:50 Mr Xiao Junzheng, China Ambassador to Greece
34:37 Mr Georgios Iliopoulos, Greek Ambassador to Beijing

Keynote Speeches
41:03 Mr Wang Lei, Director General of Bureau of International Cooperation,CASS
42:44 Mr Feng Zhongping, Director General of the Institute of European Studies, CASS, President of China-CEEC Think Tanks Network
57:16 Mr Loukas Tsoukalis President of the Board, ELIAMEP, Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens

Panel 1: Insights for Modern Times Drawn from Wisdom of Ancient Cultures
1:16:48 Moderator: Mrs Elena Avramidou, Associate Professor Peking University, Cetre for Hellenic Studies and UNESCO Chair, Ionian University
1:23:27 Mrs Liu Weimo, Associate Professor of Institute of Philosophy,CASS
1:38:54 Mr Stefano Gandolfo, advisor to the Minister of Education

Panel 2:50 years of Friendship and Cooperation
2:10:37 Moderator: Mr Liu Zuokui, Deputy-Director General of the Institute of European Studies, CASS, Secretary General of China-CEEC Think Tanks Network
2:12:35 Mr Yin Yali, Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University,former diplomat
2:43:07 Mrs Elena Avramidou, Associate Professor Peking University, Cetre for Hellenic Studies and UNESCO Chair, Ionian University

Panel 3: Belt and Road Intiative & “Greece 2.0” Plan
3:35:30 Moderator: Mr Plamen Tonchev, Head of Asia Unit, Institute for International Economic Relations, Athens, Greece
3:40:51 Mrs Song Xiaomin, General Editor of Chinese Journal of European Studies, the Institute of European Studies, CASS
4:01:34 Mr Konstantinos Tsimonis, Lecturer in Chinese Society at the Lau China Institute, King's College London

Panel 4:China-Greece Relations in the New Era
4:34:22 Moderator: Mr Shi Zhiqin, Professor, Executive President of the Institute of Belt and Road Strategy, Tsinghua University
4:37:45 Mr Plamen Tonchev, Head of Asia Unit, Institute for International Economic Relations, Athens, Greece
4:56:54 Mr Yu Zenggang, Chairman of Piraeus Port Authority

5:30:23 Plenary:Discussion
Closing remarks
Mr Konstantinos Mazarakis, Vice-Admiral (ret) Konstantinos Mazarakis-Ainian,Honorary Commander-in-Chief Hellenic Fleet,General Director Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation
Mr Chen Xin, Deputy Director General of the Institute of European Studies, CASS
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