Final Round: The Bladekeeper's Trial with Multicaster-Tank build (FFXV Comrades)

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Recorded this for all the Glass Cannon Multicasters who refuse to listen and add some vitality and HP to their build.

Not a perfect run, not a perfect build, arguably not even best birthplace for this fight. Just a demonstration of how tanky your multicaster can actually be, soloing hardest fight much easier with no deaths or danger status.

My stats at 00:00 and 13:35

Damage taken at:
00:47 1:18 3:56 4:10 4:59 5:04 5:34 6:30 6:35 7:09 7:48 8:06 8:12 9:52 10:08 11:00 11:25 11:34 11:37

As you can see almost all the damage taken was easily cured with a single Curaga. That said, in order to win this fight you will still need to learn some of the mechanics, because even though they won't one shot you, they will lower your max HP significantly which will make the fight a lot harder for obvious reasons.
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