Why Virginia Said No At The Altar | Love Is Blind: Season 8 | Netflix

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Virginia reveals why she said no and left Devin at the altar.

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Why Virginia Said No At The Altar | Love Is Blind: Season 8 | Netflix

Fan favorites gather for a reunion with Nick and Vanessa to answer burning questions about their relationships this season.
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She's right but all of this should've come up in the pods. He being uncomfortable discussing politics on camera should have already been a huge red flag. Same thing with Sarah but she chose to ignore facts until she casually brought it up on the day of the wedding.


I hope they talk about the check Devin neglected to tell Virginia about.


So basically Virginia knew back in the pods they would never marry. Obviously they discussed their political and religious beliefs when they first met (since it's so important to her for marriage) Instead of throwing shade at his opposing views at the reunion..she should have said we "agree to disagree " in the political department. Zero class...So much for being the tolerant left. Devin is better off.


Notice how the couple that actually got married wasn’t obsessed with politics. The rest of the cast is pathetic, specifically the women.


Virginia is a class act. As a doctor, she is trained to analyze and diagnose the situation. She kept on saying “is there anything else we should discuss?”. It seems he didn’t want to respond that he was MAGA when she stated she was a Democrat. He thought a difference in politics & core values shouldn’t matter. Well then how do you agree to raise the kids? He wasn’t ready. Virginia is a complete knockout.


He should have been a mind reader funny she never expressed anything was wrong she was very cruel, could have used her voice but instead destroy his whole family at the alter. But put all the blame on him .


I wish she was this strong and articulate during the show.


After hearing everything Virginia didn’t communicate. She made a lot of assumptions. Absolutely if he was dumped at the alter why would he not just block and move on. To speak of not feeling loved after dumping someone at the alter is a bit narcissistic.

Devin is better off if she can’t communicate early on and wants to assume things not talking about it that’s a red flag.


why does she sound so
different in the reunion


Devin is a christian and has different values from Virginia. simply that. it doesn't make him any lesser than her. Devin seems to be a great guy and hope he finds his wife.


Man! I am going back and watch Cameron and Lauren from Season 1 that is the only time I believe in the history of the show that there was true magic and a pleasure to watch.


I think at this point, people are going on the show for instant fame. This season was boring no genuine connection.


And the Christian persecution goes unchecked… unbelievable these are things that if they were important should’ve been discussed in the pods we all have free will to believe what we choose unless your a follower of Jesus Christ Devin while it hurt it looks like you weren’t equally yoked so it was for the best I’ll be praying for you both for healing and growth


“Agree with me on everything or you’re a bigot” - women of season 8


There's this thing happening now a days with some women where they play victim and paint men as monsters. It's wack. Why come onto a show to find love go thru the whole process get your family's hopes up just to say no. You don't need to go on a vacation. Stop building your social presence on the pain of others. The guys that got said no to are the guys women are looking for. Men are not robots they're going to make mistakes stop painting small mistakes as devastations. Allow a man to correct his mistakes this is the true determination of character, not making horrible mistakes and correcting small ones.
Signed a modern woman


What happened to that low and slow stoner demeanor 🤦🏻‍♀️


Devin dodged a bullet with Virginia. Yes she is a stunner! Gorgeous woman for sure. But she is inflexible. She made a comment (paraphrase) about his not being a perfect match. No couple is a perfect match especially in a lifelong marriage! Marriage requires a lot of hard work. She wants things to be in accordance with her absolute terms. Isn’t it interesting that despite her beliefs he wanted her but she didn’t want him? The man loves her and proved it at the altar. He did his part. He even signed the prenup despite his reservations. She backed off not him. And she mentioned being ghosted afterwards. I will be honest - if I said I do and cried over a woman, on television, after she said “NO”, I would have ghosted her too. What else do you want from me lady??? To me she wants everything to align with her world view in order to be in a marriage. Good luck with that!


Virginia dodged a bullet. She is emotionally, financially, intellectually and physically out of his league AND they don’t align on political values. He’s in debt, has a low salary job, spends $700 on shoes every month, didn’t want to sign a prenup so she doesn’t turn into his sugar mama. Financial stability is important. They’re obviously not compatible.


Devin was too immature for this queen.


I mean it’s fine if they didn’t align in terms of views, and personally I think Devon was shady for not telling her about the check but collecting it and already spending it without her knowledge… but airing out her own views like this comes off performative and like she’s trying to say he’s beliefs are bad
