How to Write a Captivating LinkedIn Headline | Have a Click-Worthy Headline

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In this video, Melonie Dodaro will share how to write a captivating LinkedIn headline and why it’s important.

For more information on best LinkedIn tips and social selling, visit the links below.


So how do you write a captivating LinkedIn headline?

First of all, why's that even important?

Your LinkedIn headline is the most important part of your profile as it's the first thing that somebody's going to see next to your name and of course your profile picture.

It's often the reason why somebody will click on your profile.

I'm Melonie Dodaro, author of LinkedIn Code and LinkedIn Unlocked. Speaker, trainer, and consultant, specializing in social selling and LinkedIn.

Let's say for example someone's doing a search on LinkedIn for specifically what you offer?

Your profile shows up on page one of the search results and along with a bunch of others.

Whose profile are they gonna click on?

The one with the most captivating LinkedIn headline.

So how do you write a captivating headline?

First of all, you speak to who your ideal clients are. Who are they and how do you help them?

This is typically the best approach to take when it comes to a LinkedIn headline.

You also want to incorporate one maybe two keywords that are going to allow you to get picked up in the search results for the things that you want to be found for.

You've got a 120 characters. Take advantage of them all.

So for example, if you're a sales coach and you help businesses increase their sales results. Why not have a headline that says, "Sales Pro teaching businesses how to increase their sales conversion by 150%."

Your LinkedIn headline needs to speak to who it is you want to attract.

Share who it is and share how you help them. Speak to the results whenever possible.

This is what people are looking for after all. They're not looking for what you do, they're looking for the result you provide.

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Рекомендации по теме

Good tips. I have changed my headline since watching your videos and the summary is next.


I would like to know how to get more characters to show up on the top of my page.
