The ResQMe Tool

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Originally designed for emergency personnel, the resqme tool is an ideal tool for any driver. It is small, lightweight, and still powerful. You can carry it on your keys so it is always within reach.

Your family will be prepared for the unexpected with the resqme tool "when seconds count…

Escape your car in 3 steps
Pull out from clip
Cut Seatbelts
Break Side Windows

Spring-loaded head effortlessly smashes the vehicle's side windows with only 12 lb Of force.
Razor sharp blade slices through jammed seat belts and is safely surrounded by the plastic casing.
ResQMe's included clip detaches from the body, allowing the user to quickly access the blade.
Clip doubles as a device to hang ResQMe from a keychain or other accessible area.
Originally offered exclusively to fire, paramedic and police organizations, but is now available to the public.
Contains an imprintable area suitable for personalization with user or company name.
Made in the USA

My YouTube Address
Fred Hart
P.O. Box 2156
Lusby, MD 20657


Finally, someone has explained that you put pressure on the device for the device to work. Every video I've watched gives me the impression that there's some invisible button to push or click. Thanks for walking us through how it truly works.


This tool is a must have. Everyone in the house has one on their keys, and I use one regularly as a Fire Fighter. "Rescue hammers" may become dislodged and be lost during an accident. This stays where you know where it's going to be. Outstanding Fred, keep up the great reviews.


My dad use to be a firefighter and the hole department had one personally and they have just help save so many lives any where from the engines key chain to you own it was there


I carry one every day on my keys and i thankfully havent had to use it, unless you count the time when me and my bro used it to break a pickle jar in our back yard to test it.


i have one in yellow, but just to let you know in real test performance, it acts differently against side window filled with protective layer, it doesn't break like your regular glass window that shown in video instead it will punch the selected vehicle side glasses to full of cracks, then you need to act your own to push the window out.


Probably a good idea to have one in every vehicle. Happy New Year.


I would suggest hanging this from both of the guide loops attached to the b post where the belt goes from your shoulder to the height adjuster. Its our of the way but perminantly available for use. One for the driver and one for the passenger.


Cheers for that. We're going through some pretty severe floods downunder and quite a few have lost their lives recently in rivers. This should be very helpful.


These are great little tools, I would recommend keeping one within reach of both the driver and passenger.


Thank you for this video and you are correct. When in a life threatening situation, one tends to panic, causing motor skills to become impaired. I have many loved ones and intend to get each one a ResQMe Tool.


Fred you're my favorite gear tester, practical and realistic without being preachy. Thanks for the demo!


Bro, I'm late to the party on the Resqme tool, but found your review in the process. Totally love your style, your production is excellent, you speak well, and are comfortable in front of the camera. Totally subscribing to your channel and wasting part of my day watching some of your vids. Cheers!


Try punching that picture frame glass with your finger. I will bet you that you are able to do the very same thing. (in fact, i think the glas cracked before the spike even came out.)


you can get them off eBay for less then $2 !


A note to hose who try it on just any piece of glass: It's made to use on a vehicle window only, and ONLY on the edge of the window. If you try to use it on the middle of the window in a true emergency it might not work and you might die. Please watch the how-to videos made by the manufacturer of Resqme before using. For some reason YouTube doesn't like my warnings, but I'm trying to SAVE LIVES by letting people know many of these videos on these products are showing the incorrect usage. Come on YouTube, let me save lives!!


It will also break the back window glass. Any tempered glass on the vehicle it will break.


I don't have a seat belt strap, and I don't have a toughened, laminated car window, but here's a review with a random piece of nylon and regular glass....


I just bought two of these.  I plan to gift one to my mom's friend who loves wilderness hikes and things like that.  The other?  I plan to stick it in the car for my parents.  I plan to make a paracord lanyard and stick it into the seatbelt.

I like that it's simple to use and light.  (I know that there's a "lifehammer", but that requires mounting to a car.)


I zip tied them to the front driver and passenger seat belt buttons. It's the first place to go to unfasten your seat belt. 👍🏼


this would be a great tool for first responders to carry
