How long does it take to go blind from Glaucoma? - Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal

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Glaucoma is a thief in the night. So it is going to take away from you that vision. That vision and the time that it takes is going to depend on what is the pressure in the eye. When the pressure in the eye steps up, it produces a pressure upon the optic nerve. Thus slowly killing the optic nerve. If this pressure in the eye is above 30 mm of mercury, within 3 years, with no treatment the patient is going to go blind. If the pressure of the eyeball is above 25 to 30 mm of mercury, it will take him 7 years to go blind. If the pressure is above 21, which is the normal and between 21 to 25 mm of mercury, it will take the patient 15 years without treatment to go blind. However what usually happens in our patients is that the spikes will come like everything in life is a parabolic curve. So there is a time when the pressure is too high, and we have crossed 30 and the duration may not be so much. There will be a time when it goes to 20, which is normal. Once again, the duration will not be too much. So accumulating the durations of the time when the eyeball pressure was over 30 mm of mercury and when that crosses over 1000 days, that patient is going to go blind.
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I have had severe glaucoma for over forty years with four operations. My pressures were far higher than 30 before the ops, both eyes. I still have good vision albeit with some peripheral loss. I have eye tests each year for driving and a licence issued each year. Properly managed with six monthly hospital visits glaucoma is not so much of a problem thanks to Moorfields Hospital, London.


PLEASE. Weird. Never seen a doctor pronounce bad news with such joy! NOTHINGTO SMILE ABOUT>


With a wonderful smile. "that patient is going to go blind". If you didn't know, you know now, whom not to consult.


Weird. Never seen a doctor pronounce bad news with such joy!


Do doctors give patients a cancer diagnoses, and tell them all the stages they will have and how long it will take to die at each stage while giving them a big happy smile? No! Why smile about this? Going blind causes extreme grief often worse than death does. Don't look so happy about it!


Although the smile was strange the information is incredibly useful. Nowhere else have I found such a clear explanation of the relation between pressure and the time it may take to damage the optic nerve. Now I understand why it is necessary to maintain the pressure around 12 so that the spikes are also within desirable limits.


This is ridiculous, I know patients that have had glaucoma 20 years and not blind yet. You do not even mention the eye drops that are used to keep the pressure Down, nor do you mention the glaucoma surgery that can control the pressure. Too much left out of your explanation and causing people to panic


This is really valuable information. Thank you doctor.


How strange!.My neighbor is having Glucoma and he takes his eyedrops regularly and it is his 25th year and he has been living with Glucoma wonderfully.


That accumulation info. Is very good, thus everything depends upon the eye pressure . You have glaucoma but eye pressure is within 20, no vision problems will occur.


my mother in law "s visibility is left only 4percent because of glucoma now she is regularly using eye drops, these medicine now can save her eyes


WEIRD glad there’s no drs like her where I live. And she didn’t give clear information. If you are taking prescription glaucoma eye drops daily, you can manage your pressure for years and prevent blindness (depends on persons stress level in life as well). My mother in law is 94, she’s had 2 strokes and has had glaucoma for years, even though one of her eyes is shot, she’s still able to see. She watches her church meetings on a tablet and reads a little everyday. She can see out the window she gos out to the supermarket with me without glasses and can see enough to know what’s in from of her and her general surroundings Of course, with all this positive points, her eyes do get tired quick because she try’s to read more than she’s supposed to So glaucoma is not so easily blinding. It depends on the person. Some things we do do can prevent blindness, even though the annoying symptoms will remain. And YES the Dr in this video is weird and doesn’t mention the complete details about glaucoma outcomes


Dr I appreciate your teaching. Is any natural food or remedies to lower the eye pressure?
Thanks, I love your smiling approach❤❤❤


I noticed that I've been seeing floaters that's how I found out that the pressure was high in my right eye. I also had headaches


I all so do a lot of eye exercises which I think helped s keep getting your eyes tested


Get a peripheral filed vision test every year. By the time I was diagnosed with glaucoma in 2016, I had lost 40% of the vision in my eye. Not both eyes, one is still at 94%. Been on drops ever since and even participated in a trial which I believe stabilized my vision for 4 years. But in about early 2022 my field of vision shrunk. I NEVER had pressure above 18 since the original diagnosis, and it was 16ish most of the time I was checked. I was checked every thee to six months. But the pressure rises when we sleep, and drops do not always control that. So who knows how high it can get at night? Recently I had a trabeculectomy, which is a laser surgery that helps the fluid drain better keeping pressure lower, and is supposed to do this through the night as well. It did lower my pressure to 11 for a while, but in the last month my vision declined and the pressure turned out to be 22. So, it seems I am may lose all the vision in that eye. It’s very foggy now, very hard to see out of that eye.
I found out I had a problem when I decided to see my old ophthalmologist several months after an eye exam at Costco at which I was told my pressure in that eye was 21. The optometrist did NOT suggest a follow up in the near future, or at all. She didn’t put me on drops. But, I knew it needed further evaluation, so went to my old ophthalmologist who diagnosed glaucoma-40% loss at that time. He was retiring and I wanted another opinion anyway so looked for a new ophthalmologist and luckily my new doctor is a top glaucoma specialist and researcher, so I know I’m in the best hands now, regardless of the outcome.


People💕 always go to an eye Dr ophthalmologist if you’ve been told you have eye pressure. The internet in very misleading because you don’t get all the facts nor treatment information. Usually only get negative or weird stuff. Like this video


Nothing strange in smile one of the best presentation on eye care for common man


My IOP was over 59 for 1 month, thanks God I do a surgery and saved my vision.


Hey, I’m only 31 in lost vision in my right eye left eye seemed like I’m losing vision as well 😢
It doesn’t matter how old you are. Make sure you always get your eyes checked. ✔️
