10 Signs You're A ISFP - One Of The RAREST Personality Types In The World

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10 Signs You're A ISFP - One Of The RAREST Personality Types In The World
- Welcome to PsychologyFeels and today we are going to talk about 10 Signs you are a ISFP.

An Adventurer or ISFP is a person with the Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting
personality traits. They tend to have open minds, approaching life, new experiences, and people with grounded warmth. Their ability to stay in the moment helps the ISFP uncover exciting potentials.

ISFPs are non judgemental, interested in artistic activities, bad at planning their first step and very introverted. ISFPs thrive on their art and need creative freedom to keep their minds fresh. They’ll decide to go on a hike or a run to refresh their minds. They’ll also stay in their room for days
straight if that’s what it takes them to be creative and fresh to create art.

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Lets talk about the effects of music....⚡ Is there any ISFPs here who can relate with me? When you listen to music that you love, it either enhances your rage, sentimentality or hyperactivity and gives you frissons (chills) when it's magical, powerful or meaningful?💪🏻😈Some times I feel that music makes me seem like an egotistical or arrogant idiot as it makes you feel like a god that is yet to prove him/herself to the world and wants vengeance. I tend to imagine that I'M the one in the music video whilst in the car or whilst I look in the mirror as I listen to a song whilst lip syncing, pretty goofy and quirky ik but I wanna know if this follows for most people with this personality type.🤔

Edit: I'm reading these replies in July of 2023 and I think that's awesome that so many of you agreed with this comment and truly felt what I was tryna say.. its like I've gathered so many likeminded minions together in one place 😅 thank you everyone, keep living like a fucking legend 🫡


"They would rather listen to you patiently than jumping to conclusions and banning you from their lives" Partially true. We would patiently listen to you to see if you match our values. If not, then we don't really care about your problems or whatever. But for damn sure we aren't banning you just because of different beliefs and values.


Whats very difficult for male isfp, is the sensitivity factor. As a male you can come across as weak if you show that. Iam one, so i know the feeling. Its all about balance. Be kind, listen, but also dont let people step on you and be there for you, stand your ground. It can be difficult. But if you learn that, it will work out for sure.

And onto that: Isfps can be very loud and funny. If they feel safe and trusted. Or if they are in the right state of mind.


I think my best friend is an ISFP. She's sensitive, artsy, romantic, but hates criticism etc. She has a hard time with being confident and assertive. I usually have to watch what I say as an ENTJ. She's very loyal n caring qualities which I cherish.


i feel so bad for britney spears and marilyn monroe – two very controlled women. i can't imagine how shitty and unnatural that has to feel when we value our freedom and individuality so much!!


I just discovered that I'm an ISFP who mistyped as INTJ for years. The two types have the same functions, just juxtaposed in pairs (Ni Te Fi Se vs Fi Se Ni Te). I lost my parents early on in life and never established a sense of identity, which left me drifting along using my non-dominant functions. Didn't help that my bitterness and resentment made me look heartless. When I finally found out what was going on, I cried for the first time in over a decade. I feel so happy now, so free. It's such a huge weight off my shoulders to finally know who I am.


The only kind of criticism I can’t stand is when people point out flaws, imperfections and problems when they have the same problems themselves. No advice, no helpful tips, don’t listen, just want to be nitpicky. It’s the tone, choice of words.


Is it just me who gets these feelings about strangers. Like I’m very observant and when I meet strangers I have to study them first in order to decide whether I’ll get along with them. And most of the time when I get a strange feeling about someone they always turn out to be unpleasant individuals later. I don’t know if any of this makes sense.


One thing is also that we have a hard time being confident and assertive. Even a small criticism lowers our confidence. We always tend to notice every little change in people’s behaviour.


I'm so glad I took the test. This is me. Feels good to know why I'm so different. I thought I was "BAD". And I'm a therapist! I didn't know.


ISFPs are definitely not rare. They are everywhere and very common.


I'm glad that I found my personality, still currently listening and listening from 1-8 I feel it is really relatable. Me and my girlfriend just broke up and I wanted to find myself and took so many career quizzes and was told I was a ISFP.


ISFP here from Japan. I am living now, and always love beautiful and exciting things❤︎Thank you for this video!


I don't read books. I've tried it 'cause I like the idea of a book, but I can't lol


I'm confused. I scored ISFP but if I'm honest I am a pretty critical person and easily annoyed person. I also get angry at people easily when they're inconveniencing me and start getting kind of sharp tongued


As an ISFP I can understand why in my early days I often got misunderstood by my parents and everybody around me by doing what I think is fun. I often wander around the woods and observe the surroundings and because of that I get scolded or get beat up by my parents, I often do not respect my parent's uneccesary strict rules and I really despite when I felt manipulated by others. The fact that I found my parents very manipulative is because they set standards to myself often comparing me to other sons/daughter's achievement. Now I can understand why being an ISFP is so exhausting because I realized the world is very manipulative 😢 so I think as ISFP our best strength is our independence, seeking attentions and validation is a big mistake, we should connect more with our selves, do what is necessary to do and be more attentive on the manipulation of your surroundings, trust me we are not wrong it's just the world want's us to put in a box and be their puppets. We are the Lone Wolves of society, the escapees of the matrix. I felt bad for some comments saying they felt bad for being ISFP. Don't feel bad for yourselves. "I say stop being perfect, let's evolve, let the chips fall where they may".


Its the 4th most common type. Not rare at all


5:53 6:07 you mention ISFP aren't social status conscious or materialistic but then say Jaqueline Kennedy Onasis was an ISFP which is interesting. She loved the trappings of wealth and position. Her first husband Jack Kennedy was not only handsome and charismatic but held the highest position in the country as president then when he died she went after Aristotle Onansis who was dazzlingly wealthy and I think the richest man in the world at one time and was a man who liked to flaunt his wealth and live in up in style.


Thank you for helping me to know myself 💝


Took the test in the past and got infp retook it yesterday and got isfp 😅. I can relate to parts of both personalities so I think there are people with mixes of multiple of these not just one.
