TWIST BUSTERS | God Does NOT Promise to Speak to You Through a Still Small Voice

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If I was running for my life and had just experienced a fire, earthquake and windstorm I doubt that I would be tranquil and calm! It pains me that this woman has our Presidents ear.


Love all the new YouTube stuff this year. A true blessing for those of us interested in actual, biblical, historic, Christianity. Keep up the fight Captain Chris!


Descriptive scripture versus prescriptive is eye opening. There are people I know that expect everything in God's Word is meant to happen for them too.


You have just opened my eyes so wide they fell out! I have been duped all along. And thanks for the nugget of truth about description and prescription. This is awesome!


My mega church pastor asked congregation, "What's my whisper?" I told him I only hear God in black, white, and red of Holy scripture


When Jesus said that the dead would hear the voice of the Son of God; and when He said that His sheep hear His voice; and when He said that He stands at the door and knocks, and if anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will come in and sup with him, and he with Jesus; he did not mean what Paula White is talking about. But He did not mean "written word + fleshly reasoning", alone, either. He meant the _inner witness_ of the Holy Spirit, who uses the word of God, His sword.


God will speak to us in whatever way He deems necessary.


Without even getting in to whether women can be pastors or not, she's disqualified on her personal life alone. Read the letters from Paul to Timothy and Titus. He lays out the qualifications to be a pastor. She falls short on EVERY aspect.


I attend a pente church but I love your work F4F. I just wanted to quickly share, a "still small voice" is the reason why I am a Christian today. Whether it was God or my inebriated mind telling me to go to church, I listened to it and turned away from a life of alcohol and drugs. God bless and keep making these videos.


I LOVE all of your videos, they are very edifying and entertaining simultaneously. Keep up the great work!! :)




Once again good video Chris Rosebrough


I have heard the Lord's voice on a few occasions during my 23 years of following Him. It wasn't a word of prophecy or something to force on others, it was to give me direction or correction. I wasn't meditating or trying to hear His voice but He spoke anyway. I like your critiques and agree with most of what you say but no one will ever convince me I didn't hear from Him.


Makes me think of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young


I was standing in the Financial Aid office at a college I wasn't even a part of yet, because I didn't have money to put myself through college. But it was right there that I heard plain as day within me, "You will graduate with honors." And let me just explain, how I was not a positive type person. I don't speak to myself that way. I took that as God's voice. And I thanked Him. And yes. I did graduate with honors not just from one but two schools (One was a community college and the other was a University). And no, it was not because I'm scholarly and great at school. One time I was lost after having driven my cousin to his girlfriend's house. No GPS at the time. Didn't even have a cell phone. I prayed to God to tell me which way to go. I got an answer. And I ended getting home. These are just two examples of times that I felt like the Lord spoke a rhema word to me. You see, I believe that He is supernatural. That doesn't mean, I have full blown conversations with Him and He "talks to me" all day every day. I just wouldn't box God in saying OH, He can't speak in a still small voice or however He chooses to communicate. The point is, that whatever you are hearing should line up with the written Word. He won't go against the written word.


She’s through with the narrative of this great Bible story and now she is turning it into a directive from God to anyone to hear God speak to them in a “still small voice”. Again, the Word of God is never enough they’re always searching for more than what God had said in his word.


+Fighting for the Faith ~~ Jesus says in Matthew 24:12 ~ "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." I'm stunned that on a Watchman's video, SO many of the comments here are proving this verse true. I thought it was generally Christians drawn to this type of video to hear and learn the truth through the word of God. I'm stunned. Truly stunned at the rudeness, name calling, and general lack of any Christ-like behavior in SO many of these comments to speak of and towards YOU! Chris, brother, I am so sorry people are not understanding the *truth* that nowhere in Scripture are we told that God speaks to us in any such, "still, small voice." It's not difficult to understand. Seems that for my own sake, being this heartbroken to see you torn apart by others (who say they're Christians??) for speaking the truth that is in God's own word, even using God's word to back it up. I believe it's time for me at least to quit reading comments. The times are becoming worse and worse. God bless, brother!


Great video Chris. Thank you so much!!!


Paula: “The word ‘still’ here means quiet”

Chris: “SO?”



I love how God takes care of our whole bodies. Elisha goes from being so mad and done with life he asks God to take his life. So God fed him. Then God had him take a nap and he woke up and realized it wasn't so bad. The healing power of food and sleep.
