THE NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: The Church Age Began With A Gentile Getting Saved In A Bible S

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Sometimes in our search for new Bible ‘nuggets’, we run right past some of the highly important foundational principles of Church Age doctrine that we would do well to heed. The very first person to get saved in the dispensation of the Church Age was a gentile slave who was a descendant of Ham. How did he get saved? In a Bible study. In Acts 9 we see a man get saved who was a descendant of Shem, and what was he called to do? Lots of things, but mostly Bible study. In Acts 10 we see a man who is a descendant of Japheth get saved, and his whole family, with “words” told to him, also Bible study. Tic, tac, toe, three in a row. Think God is telling us something here? It is wonderful to dare ‘great things’ for God, it truly is, and we do have that as one of our persistent goals here at NTEB. That said, not everyone is called to be a Whitefield, a Moody or a Sunday, but all of us who are saved are called to do something very important for the kingdom of God, Bible study. If you saturate yourself in God’s preserved word, the chances are very good that God will use you to siphon off some of that blessed data to either a lost person or a baby Christian. Times of revival are amazing, so much so that they stand out in our history, and we look upon those times with awe. But here’s a fun fact: what followed every single legitimate revival was hardcore Bible study and Bible teaching by men and women of God to the people who got saved in those revivals. That’s not the flashy part, but it is perhaps the most important part next to salvation. Today I want to bring you a message on the importance of Bible study for your edification, and then turning that into a ‘takeout order’ for the people God puts into your path.
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