Acts 8-9: Was Saul's Name Changed To Paul? -The REAL Meaning of the Book of Acts Series - Jim Staley

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Did you know that Saul’s name was never changed to Paul? For centuries we have been told that God changed Paul’s name when he fell off his horse on the way to Damascus. But this is simply not true! Pastor Jim also dives into what is really going on with Simon the Sorcerer and the power of how Phillip was literally transported to a completely different city after he led the Ethiopian to Christ! There is so much in chapters 8-9 to go through! And it’s time we go through them from the original first-century Hebraic perspective that they were written in! This broadcast will bless you immensely. Take the time out of your day and soak in His word!

Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

00:00:00 - Dispelling Paul's Name Change and Sorcery
00:03:14 - The Scattering of the Jewish Disciples
00:06:30 - God Uses Everything
00:10:11 - The Context of Judaism and Christianity
00:13:30 - Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare
00:16:57 - The Split of the Twelve Tribes
00:20:41 - The Power of God and Transformation
00:23:57 - Poisoned by Bitterness
00:27:53 - Letting Go of Bitterness
00:31:26 - The Ethiopian Eunuch's Jewish Origin and Reading Isaiah 53
00:35:10 - Water Immersion and Transformation
00:38:29 - Translation in the Spiritual Realm
00:41:43 - Saul's Righteous Anger towards Jews
00:44:49 - Ananias and Saul on the Straight and Narrow Path
00:48:23 - Conversion of Zealots
00:51:41 - Saul's Transformation through Baptism
00:54:54 - Supporting the Ministry

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Have you ever said to yourself, "There's got to be something more?" Well...there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that--the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

Going back to the Christian Roots of our faith has freed millions of people around the world from the traditions and doctrines of men, allowing them to truly serve our Creator YHWH in both Spirit and Truth.

Why do we do what we do here at PFT? Because the Truth can only do one thing: Set Us Free!

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ─ John 8:32
"Set them apart in Your truth – Your Word is truth" ─ John 17:17

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Lord please remove bitterness & anger from me, and heal me from them, so that your power may flow through me.


Lord please heal my broken heart. Please pray for me, that the Lord will remove bitterness and hurt from my heart.


I release the bitterness in my heart. I forgive those who wounded me. I repent for asking God to punish them for what they did to me. I can see God working through the situation to move me to a new place with new challenges and trials. I will be made stronger and not complain, but draw close to God and worship Him.


17:44 Jim can you provide the scriptural reference that says one of the cities the northern Israelites were dispersed into was Samaria? Weren't all of Northern 10 tribes carried off out of Samaria and replaced by Babylonians?

2 Kings 17:23-24 "Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day. And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, and from Cuthah, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria INSTEAD OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof."


Pastor Jim, awhile ago i made a zealous comment, correcting you on some minor thing. I repent of that and ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me.I appreciate your teachings so much.


I have been praying for relief of bitterness every time it sneaks up on me. Please forgive me Father every time it comes. I pray it gets nipped in the bud and I grow in love and service.


Father, I repent of the part I played in the situation that caused division and caused them to be hurt and become bitter as well.
I forgive them and ask that You forgive them for they know not what they do. I let go of the bitterness that came on me from the situation. Father I also seek Your forgiveness of my iniquities and that healing will be given in our relationship and in my relationship with them too. I Thank You Father for forgiving me and them. 🕊❤


Please pray for me to release all the bitterness in my life! In Yeshua’s name!


I release my bitterness. Please pray for me!


I let go of my bitterness and anger and get off my horse now in Jesus name


Yeshua I release my bitterness make a way where there is no way my wife and I both been better the oppression is so heavy around us sometimes, can only be described as demonic interference.


Pray for my wife she is bitter about what someone did and said about in the church


I am so excited to find Passion for Truth Ministries! I have always wanted to know what God's Word says in Hebrew! I have collected many different translations trying to compare and find the truth. I have also looked into many different religions. I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses for a little under 13 years. I've studied with the Mormon's twice in my life. I've gone to many different churches. I never felt completely satisfied, I just knew there was more to learn. I have a Strong's concordance and I've broken down verses going to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. I still didn't feel that I was getting what the Word of God had to say. Finally I have found a ministry that teaches me from the original language!!! I am learning so much and finally my spirit feels satisfied with what I am being taught!! I am now 64 years old but it's not too late to learn and teach what I have learned ( I always tell them about Passion for Truth Ministries) I want everyone to know what the truth is! I have been in the Bible since I was 22yrs old, I've learned over the years to stay away from religion. Thank you so very much for feeding my spirit! I literally crave more and more!!! I deeply appreciate this ministry! I just want to know everything I can about God's Word so I can obey it and be counted righteous in Christ's eyes. It matters how Jesus sees me! Today is the Sabbath and I honor this day for the rest of my life, though my family thinks I'm in another crazy religion. It's okay, my spirit loves it! Again, thank you for doing this!


Shabbat Shalom! From studying and doing history research, I have been amazed at what I have been discovering about the events down through history. For example I’m watching this movie called Vikings Valhalla, which tells the story about the different tribes waring against each other for rulership over each other. Yet, they had a religious enemy called Catholicism or better known as Christianity waring to have rulership, not only over the vikings but also over the known world during their time period. Every Viking tribe that didn’t baptized their people into Christianity, and stop believing and worshipping their ancestors gods, was fought war against, pillage, women and girls raped, men murdered, and some taken as slaves and sold. All this was done in the name of Jesus Christ the god of Christianity, to people of the Europeans continent and even in some parts of Africa especially in the Northern part of the continent Egypt. What stood out to me about all the people is that they were unlearned, superstitious, and didn’t understand the language of Latin that the religion of Rome Christianity was speaking to the people that they conquered. Amazing insight was being revealed from watching this movie about the Vikings tribes and other Europeans tribes, interactions to rule over each other and rule over the tribes of the world during their time period in history. Truly they did not know nor had anything to do with the Elohim of Israel yet took the scriptures when they destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, took away certain scriptures writings to used the sacred writings of the scriptures to rule, dominate, and control the religious beliefs of the people of this world. Yet, here is a secret that I think many weren’t aware of, the scriptures prophecies this would happened and that there will be prosperity too. While all this is going on the true believers who are being called out to salvation, will be nurtured and growing in their faith and beliefs of the real truth found in the prophecy of the scriptures. Oh, the wisdom of the Elohim of Israel is past finding out! Because the scriptures says the secret things belong to Yahweh the Elohim of Israel, and they are revealed to His children the people of Israel and their children. Yahweh, hasn’t ever forgotten His people that He scattered to the four corners of the earth among the gentle nations. We aren’t forgotten which is why Satan is waring so hard in the earth, against the descendants of the children of Israel to continue to hid, cover up, and confuse us and the people of our time period about the truth of the sacred Scriptures called Torah/Bible (Romans 1:16, 17). This spiritual war runs so deep throughout this world’s governing system (Ephesians 6:10-17). 😢


I am valued by my Savior.
Please take my bitterness away and show me your ways. Let your light shine through me, that others may see you. Thank you Yahuah all mighty for all the provide.
In the name of Yahusha I ask these things.


I release my bitterness right now. Please, pray for me.


It's important to point out mistakes in teachings, since said teachings might be leading many followers to sin. And the teacher might receive chochmah and change his ways as well. YHWH sends his true Dabar thru his avadim for this, it's nothing to be ashamed


Please pray for me to release the bitterness that I’ve been holding on to


Pray for me to release the bitterness inside me, in the Set Apart name of Yeshua.


In Roger Morneau’s book, “When You Need Incredible Answers to Prayer” he wrote, “Demon spirits love to play games with the minds of humans, " a spiritist priest told me during my days as a spirit worshiper. "They flash thoughts and images in people's minds with such delicate skill that the recipients believe them to be their own reasoning. With a great sense of satisfaction he bragged how the spirits can activate the human imagination triggering people to like certain persons and hate others. They can cause them to experience vibrant happiness, or the direct opposite--great discouragement and depression. “And when it comes to poor Christians, he declared “those who are not aware of the supernatural activity and power, the spirits can apply such overwhelming pressure against them that it eventually destroys any faith they might have in the Creator.”

Roger Morneau has an amazing testimony. He came out of satanism and the occult, and became a Christian with an amazing prayer ministry. His book, “A Trip into the Supernatural” is a great testimony if anyone’s interested.
