Artificial Intelligence: The Impact on Language Teaching (Talking ELT Episode 1)

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Insightful. I used to be worried that AI will take over our jobs as teachers. After listening to the podcast, I learned to look at the possibilities of AI helping teachers as well as students. Thank you


In my point of view, we teachers, will never be replaced by the AI because we are in charge of giving the instructions of what we need from the AI not the other way round. In other words, we are the THINKERS not the "machines". Only humans have the real brain to choose and decide what is necessary for us!


Wonderful! Congrats on the new podcast for OUP! I'm fond of podcasts and I have two talk shows. Can't wait to listen to your second episode! Greetings from Tunisia!

I’ve already used AI in my classroom with my students, AI helps me a lot to prepare my classes and it’s like a second teacher that can give support to the students, once I have teached something. It’s amazing.


An informative session. Thanks for such a great ideas 💯


Pretty interesting. Thank you. I will "dig" into AI :)


I find it interesting. However, how can we start using AI? What tools do you suggest?


AI and technological advances need to be discussed in the context of an economic structure to better understand what impact it will have on language teaching in the future. The dominant economic structure in the west is capitalism whose basic tenet is profit. What technology, and in particular AI and AGI, does is make the profit seeking motive that much more enticing and easier. While technology and AI will provide for a better learning experiencing in the short term, it will also allow those with capital to firstly dominate the market and eventually kill the smaller players. It will then allow institutions that control capital to get rid of the language teacher all together (remember that labor is usually capital's biggest cost). Looking ahead to the future, perhaps 5-10 years, capital will completely devor the language teaching sector with technology and AI so advanced there won't be a need to have language training anymore except maybe as a hobby. Star Trek provides a glimpse into the future. Nobody really needs to learn a language since the universal translator does everything for them.


Any way it goes, I'll be out of the System by 2025 because I'll retire 😅😅😅😅


I think you ignored the elephant in the room. Demand for teachers will massively drop as a personalized conversational AI on learners devices teaches them far more efficiently than a human. In most ways anyway. I'm not saying that all EFL Teachers will become extinct, but they may become a luxury for those that want to go to an English-speaking country and get the traditional experience, and as a guest said, they'd be 'cultural' teachers too. They'd not so much be teaching how to speak correct English, but how to speak effective English.

Am I wrong here? The EFL industry is about to be decimated in the next couple years....
