Roland TB-303, Excellent. £499 ono. Ring Martin after 6pm.

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Reflecting on May 1994 Future Music Magazine.

Sony a5100 Camera
Elgato Key Light
Shure mv7 usb/xlr
Macbook Pro M3
Motu Ultralite Mk3


∎ THX ∎
Play into the algorithm, or don't, that's your choice.

In 1994 I was wandering around central London after work listening to Future Sound of London, Aphex Twin, Jean Michelle Jarre and those ambient demo songs from magazine CD's... At that time I had an old yamaha Psr keyboard and an Amiga a500 with sample cartridge with 1MB ram😂 I still have lots of early 2000 FM magazines, Im currently finding the CD's down the side of storage boxes.😂. So for me to record multitrack music and produce it at home was somthing way out of reach in the late I phased out of music creation and went into photography, then later videography... Now in 2024 I bought a Akai Mpc one as a portable music creation station and I loooove it... Still learning how to use it thoe... It's perfect when balancing a budget for my video gear and music gear😎. So now those FM CD's are now ending up on my Akai👍🏼


I miss those old FM magazines and discs.


My sample library started with the CDs from the cover of FM mags for a while and FSOL still sounds like nothing else.


i once threw out two, yes two atari 1040 ste's with dongles and screens in the late 90s. i put them on the wall outside. this is a very true and disturbing fact.


I seem to remember the words on the spine of this issue said "we wanted to say bottom end, but..." ... don't even know why I know that.


The guy in the GEN S2 advert was the manager of the company. They were an Italian based company.. hence the suit 😉


Music equipment was so much more expensive in 1994 than it is today, when you take into account that £100 in 1994 is equivalent in purchasing power to about £250 today.


I have dozens of these Future Music mags, with the CD's.
I wonder if anybody would want them ?


Of course I bloody sub'd!
Them's was the days. I had bought an Atari St, with the 4meg hard drive, running a “borrowed” copy of Cubase. Tracked down and purchased a second hand a Korg M1. bought an Alesis D4 drum module, a Novation Bass Station rack mount and a sweet second hand Akai MG614 multitrack. Already had a set of 1210s, Jamo 400 Pros, and an RSD800b amp, so I was for, something to happen. I had zero musical knowledge, couldn't even really mix on the decks properly, very hit-and-miss beat matching, but, I had the gear. Just zero idea. No friends or aquaintances with any interest in DJing or Producing. Just, my gear, and no clue what to do with it all. Most of it actually scared me!!!
Kids today, pfffft, don't know they're born. YouTube tutorials coming out their bloody ears. Forums to meet folk. Hell, I didn't even get online until the mid 2000s!
Anyhoo, all that gears long gone. Sold for pennies, I guess, but aged 53, just finished building my studio performance, DJ console, mixing suite desk yesterday!! Gonna plug her all in today and make it happen. Probably.
Great video. I was living and dreaming the exact same life. Looking at they posh, futuristic pics in FM, Sound on Sound, etc, and KNOWING that if I only had the mixer/module/synth/software/etc, I'd be creating like a champion!!


Funny… I owned that Gem S2 (not the turbo) and I never liked it. Got rid of it fairly quickly. Also owned the Akai S2800. And a basic Lexicon too. Then I composed music for the WipEout games, that eventually featured FSOL “Herd Killing”. 😄


At least in the US, hardly anyone was even interested in vintage analogs in 1994. Maybe read about, but in real life, it was very rare to see anything besides an occasional Juno106 in 1994. Before Ebay, everything out of production was ancient history, and anything in need of repair was practically worthless. If you had the great fortune to find a scuffed-up Prodigy or sh101, most sellers assumed they were broken, and more than likely still sold dirt cheap. In the later-90s, eBay made it possible to find all these rare gems again (turned out many weren't actually that rare). Although rarely dirt cheap anymore, as I remember it, prices were still stable and low for most synths (no TB303, no 808, no MiniMoog) for a very long time...


I seem to recall seeing a second hand 303 for absolutely dirt cheap (£75 maybe? It was CHEAP) in the window of a second hand shop walking through Kentish town one sunday around 1989. I knew what it was from my love of early acid but didnt start my own music production journey for another year or so when I got an s950 and built from there.


pretty exciting magazine when you were just finding out about stuff. thing with prices now is that people who bought this magazine are now in their 50's and have the money to buy whatever they want, and also you don't now need to buy a specific magazine to find out what makes what noise, so everyone knows what is what. But back then, people buying the records didn't know what went into the music.


The scary thing is I used to collect this magazine and it makes me realize how much time has past! I began buying from day one when it first came out. I had loads of them along with the CD's. The one day I gave them away. Wish I never did now :(


In the early nineties I bought a load of nice analogues for less than any new synth. Buchla, Serge, 2600, 2500, Moog modular. You had to be a nerd to be interested. And you had to call long distance and go and pick things up, or get them shipped. And send money. 😅
I also bought a refurbished vcs3 from EMS for £640


the music today sound degraded it sounded better in the 90s due to analogue
i would love to have my old rig from the 90s again over today setup to much to choose from these days
it make people less creative


@6.32, i think that's Rob Puricelli -he hosts a show on youtube - Pro Synth Network.


I brought the DB9 on the back of a Future Music review. It sounded nothing like a 303. I was so disappointed but grew to love the deep Squ bass. I still use it in tracks today as it sits so well in a mix. Loving this video. Taking me back, nice one 👍


I used to read “Future Music” The Mix, and Sound on Sound, cover to cover..


I had a subscription as a kid. Had that edition. Gave them all away a few years ago and most the CDs.
