Abstract Math of Conscious Agent Theory w/ Dr. Donald Hoffman

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Dr. Donald Hoffman is Professor of Cognitive Sciences at UC Irvine since 1983 (37 years), Author of 120+ Academic Papers, and most recently The Case Against Reality, proposing a Conscious Agent Theory of Everything. On July 1st, 2020 he became Professor Emeritus.

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I really like Donald’s point of view. I like his conscious agent idea and his evolution theory case. Although I think that for explaining or proving his theory, he doesn’t need the evolution theory.


The fundamental assumption is that others are also wearing a headset. Meaning that there are other conscious agents having an experience. This can never be more than an assumption. So the first step taken in any theory is built upon this assumption which can never be proven. All you can verify is your experience, you cannot verify the experience or lack of experience of anyone or anything else


3:10 dynamics on graph, sounds like Wolfram and Gorard's hypergraph causal graphs. There's some convergent on the theory of everything...


if there are no rules anything can happen, hence the infinity of multiverses and dimensions. I call it R-theory


Well, it is nothing but a vivid imagination about the head set!?

Our universe began with a “single thing, energy with mind (OS)”, and it finds its way, with intentional purposes (survival is one of them), to form our universe.


You should read the revolutionary phenotype.


There is no such thing as nothing other than the concept itself.
As something cannot suddenly appear from nothing, so too are our consciousness not suddenly appearing from nothingness, which again nothingness is merely a concept.
Construction of something also cannot come from nothing, as it not only constructed by someone, but is also made up of something.
So, to say consciousness does not appear from some kind of Universal interface goes against all logic !

The concept of universal conscience is not so far fetched at all. I personally do not have a religious bone in my body.
Nor would i make claim that its a spiritual phenomenon, only a logical practical explanation.

However, universal conscious is almost indeed very different from our consciousness.
It is very likely that our consciousness is a much more complex version of a type of universal unconsciousness, with our physical mechanics acting like a lens to focus unconsciousness to consciousness and eventually to critical thinking itself.
Just as different animals will have different levels consciousness. And many life forms have no consequences only life sustaining functions.
So again no matter how not conscious any life form may be, it still has the possibility of evolution to the point where consciousness is achieved.

The closest we can come to nothing is to imagine say a lifeform which does not exist, that we know of.
With some people saying yes, that could be though of as nothing because it does not exist.
But the concept itself is something, therefore it is something, with the physical mechanics it would evolve from as something, and can likely one day somewhere in the Universe become a reality.
In fact with an infinite Universe it will indeed happen if it is possible.
Ultimately the mind works kind of like a multi dimensional relay able to work outside of the physical laws of the Universe, as anyone can imagine things that are impossible anywhere in the universe.
So the mind actually works(at some level)outside the laws of the physical universe, like a lens amplifying consciousness.
