the climate multiverse

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flash warning - flickering images at 0:24, 0:55, 2:58, 3:57, 4:21, 6:59

if you think we're cooked you should see the climate models. i talked to climate scientist @zentouro about what we *don't* know about climate change, and how that could be the best hope we got.

additional multiverse footage from:
The UK Meteorological Office
Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest
Mad Max Fury Road
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Giant 'Climate Clock' launched in NYC counting down to 1.5 degrees warming @Sharjah24news
Keystone Pipeline is over now we need to #STOPLINE3 @zentouro
El Niño and La Niña prediction explained by climate scientists @zentouro
Michael Mann on CNN with Jim Acosta Discussing Heat Wave Across US (JUNE 18 2024) @michaelmann
Bulbasaur Singing @pokemon
and me, as a live dinosaur


thanks for letting me stop by in the radish universe 👀👀


I don't really have the words for it but there is something that radiates through every moment of every video on this channel that always manages to strike a chord with me. I really like the part where you are talking about the limitations of thinking of the thresholds as being all or nothing targets that if we fail to stay under we might as well give up. The way you show the fact that every 0.1 degrees matters. And how we need to think about things on a continuous scale rather than as discrete categories. I also love what you say near the end around 6:15, even action that just makes the local area better for week is worth it


The flashes in this video make me slightly concerned for anyone who might suffer from seizures. I think generally more than three flashes per second can trigger a seizure, if it it large and bright enough (WCAG accessibility guidelines).


Great video, Taylor! Thanks to you and Miriam for this more nuanced message on climate change. I've seen many fatalist views that we're irrevocably past the point of no return for specific targets, but we can definitely still make things less terrible for the planet no matter what target we're going to miss!


My fav youtube educational couple! Good stuff and kind of reassuring enough to keep going in the fight. ❤


Thank you so much for this! I learned a lot


Huh, never thought about it this way before. Thanks for making this video!


This really reflects some feelings I've been having recently.
I have found myself becoming a lot less "doomer-ish" about climate. I never really thought that there was no point to do anything. Even if we are destined for the brink (I don't think we are) we should go down fighting so to speak.

Though I am increasingly worried that we will get through this (hopefully without a massive amount of suffering) and not really learn anything from it and just continue along, but with windmills, batteries, and heat pumps.

I definitely prefer that future to the more catastrophic levels of warming. But part of me hoped for a post-capitalist world to emerge from this.


I found the flashes jarring but enjoyed the video otherwise. Thank you for sharing your unique perspective.


I think humans being the most unknowable factor in these models is very motivating. The way you talk about how we default to win loss makes a ton of sense in a story framework but a narrative that's more open ended allows for action and is more realistic.

I thought we had already hit the wall when I read an article about dead coral reefs some years back and that crushed me. It felt as if all we were doing was throwing water out a boat that was permanently ruptured... the boat is constructed mostly out of humans tho and that means something. Thank you for this video


This video is a much needed oasis in a desert of negative news. I feel a little less hopeless now, and for that I can't thank you enough!


Thanks for making this video and sharing this gift :)


and the reason it's a range is that otherwise we would be predicting the future, which we generally can't, because the specifics are highly dependant on initial conditions.


Omgoah your the girl on the plane singing where who??


I appreciate the message of this video, but the visual delivery is SO PAINFUL. Please please please use longer cuts next time.

The flashes (rapid cuts) are completely unnecessary; only 4 minutes in, and I had to click off because I could feel a migraine building.


im sorry but when your putting chart images and cuts with this flaring edit my brain goes NUTS, I really wanted to finish the video but I cant this editing made me waana turn off the pc and go wash the dishes. its not a horror movie and its super annoying
