The Ignition Combo

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Dragons breath deals damage over time to whatever it hits and it deals more damage based on the amount of fuel it has. All of your ignitions will refuel it faster and when it reaches max fuel, it will automatically reload itself. So we’re pairing this with pyrogale gauntlets for an easy way to create ignitions and deal some massive damage in the process. This will turn your burning maul into one really powerful slam that creates fire tornadoes that scorch. So what you can do is shoot a boss with dragons breath, pop your super right in a boss’s face, then it will ignite, reloading your dragonsbreath so you can shoot it again. Then DPS with your special weapon while you wait for it to ignite again, refueling it and allowing you to shoot it again. This is actually really good damage in solo dungeons and it’s the build I used to get my solo flawless warlords ruin.
#Marshix #Destiny2 #Solo
#Marshix #Destiny2 #Solo
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