No Man's Sky: A Tour of 5 Beautiful Planets

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We stopped in at one small No Man's Sky solar system and took a quick tour of five new, wildly different planets.

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the cool thing is that no one watching this video will see these planets. there are over 18 quintillion planets, everyone will have a different experience. that's pretty amazing.


1:11 A T-rex with long arms, we're doomed!


NO one will ever land on these planets, .. ever.


What do we want?! 30 minute gameplay! What do we get?! 2 minute planet exploration....


Dear IGN and Hello Games. This game has over 18 Quintilian planets. You can show us 30 minutes of exploring a different planet once every week right up until launch and you still wouldn't spoil not even a grain of sand of this game.

Come on, guys, give us some substance!


louil:- North Africa
Yavil:- Germany
Yzheleuz:- Saudi Arabia
Phlek:- China
Balari V:- Canada


"Oh they're showing 5 beautiful planets."*shows Balari V*"again!?!?!? dafuq"


I can't wait for this game, I don't care what anyone says I know a good game when I see one. and I am going to play the s*** out of this game.


"new planets" gimme a break. balari v is the same ice planet we've seen in at least 3 ign vids now.


I'm trying not to build hype for this game


the center of the galaxy will be a huge planet with cities covering it entirely, and it will be one of the best places to actually meet other players because everyone's aim is to reach it.


OMG those big blob walking fish looking things are AWESOME!


This has me excited. These creatures and worlds are truly fascinating. And do you know what? Even if this game falls short of its vision, the fact that they tried to make a game like this, is still worth something, and means everything.


I'm kinda glad we're not getting hugely extensive parts of gameplay for NMS just yet. What I've seen here with the desert and radioactive planets is enough to convince me there's a crazy amount of variation in environment, without revealing too much pre-release.


I guess that's the only time I will see those planets


We need to start a protest, if you wanna see 30 min to an hour of gameplay like this comment and let's hope they see what we want!


11:08 was pretty wait ign does 2 min videos on this game instead of 20 min....


A tour of 5 beautiful planets IN TWO BLOODY MINUTES


We've got a load of No Man Sky articles on the Galactic Observer website, if anyone is interested. Useful if you're stuck without access to YouTube as we analyse each video as well as cover other No Man's Sky news.


To anyone wondering this game is going to have from 60 to 120 galaxies! Believe me i've done my math! There is no way in hell you can fit more than 18 quintillion planets into like single galaxy! Lol go figure! Based on common scientific knowledge combined with what we know about this game so far, one galaxy average in size should fit around 300 billion stars in it! One Star System has usually from 5-10 planets orbiting its star! Take an average number of planets each system has (for ex. If you take - 7 you won't be too far off!) and then divide number 300 billions by 7 to find out how many star systems average fits into single galaxy! Even considering the scientific fact that our Galaxy Milky Way is that Average sized galaxy, so that there are bigger Galaxies out there, that mankind discovered it still cannot surpass 300 billions by more than twice, otherwise term "average" would kinda be pointless to describe the size of Milky Way! I also doubt that developers of this game would purposely make average sized galaxy bigger than what is scientifically accurate! Lol because if you think about it whats the point?? In fiction (In our case computer games!), creators have to dumb things down, because of limiting resources are usually! So they can't for ex. create an entire copy of real life city in simulator games like GTA etc...! That is not the case here with this game obviously, hardware they are using to create worlds in this game seems to be allowing scaling things to their realistic and scientifically accurate counterparts! Developers have no reasons as there is no point to make it much bigger than that! To find out how much bigger it is take 18 quintillions and devide that by the average number of star systems an average sized galaxy usually has! I explained above how to do that, but in case people are careless to read just devide 300 billions by 7! 300 billions are all the stars in a Milky Way average sized galaxy, while 7 is an average number of planet each Star Sustem has within this galaxy! When you find out that number go ahead and divide 18 quintillions by that number! When you're finally finished with calculations you should get something among the range of 60-120! This final number is number of the galaxies this game allows to have! Off course there are more galaxies than 120 known to science as of now, but its all what developers could squeeze of the engine by using 64-bit code for their procedural generation, which 18 quintillions and around the half more in itself!...
