Options for Beginners - Part 1: Options Vs Stocks - Which Is Better? - Trading Tutorial

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Options for Beginners - Part 1: Options Vs Stocks - Which Is Better?

What Is The Difference?: 0:58
Which Is Better?:
Are Options More Profitable?:
How Much Money Do You Need?:
Can You Lose Money?:
What Are The Risks?:
Can You Really Make Money Trading Options?:

You are probably wondering, "options trading vs. stock trading: which is better?" This video will cover the 7 topics that you want to know about options trading and stocks.

We will cover what is the difference between buying stocks and options, which is better (for you), which is more profitable, how much money you need for either, and the risks of both.

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#StockMarket #TradingOptions #OptionsTrading
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I hope you found this video helpful, and as you can see in my opinion, options are the way to go. Let me know in the comments what other topics you'd like me to cover, and keep an eye out for my next "Options for Beginners" video.

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Interested to know where you gained your knowledge? Is it from starting from zero and working your way up from mistakes or did you go to some kind of business college? Always interested me where this knowledge comes from


Is there a way i can trade options for less than $2, 000? Whats the minimum that i need?
