How to Add Hyperlink to HTML Document

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Follow this tutorial to learn various techniques used in HTML to apply different types of hyperlinks to a webpage.

In this tutorial on "how to add hyperlinks to HTML Document", we will teach you how to add hyperlinks in HTML. A hyperlink is used in an HTML document to jump to another HTML document. Hyperlinks are underlined and blue in color. A hyperlink can be identified by the fact that the cursor changes into a hand image when the cursor moves over the hyperlink. The HTML tag A defines a hyperlink. Hyperlinks in a HTML Document can be added via multiple ways. Hyperlinks can also be added within some text or images. When the user clicks on a hyperlink, the color of the hyperlink changes to purple and the user is redirected to the link that is mentioned in the hyperlink.

In this tutorial we will be focusing on various techniques used to make hyperlinks in HTML

Step 1: Add a Hyperlink

In order to add a hyperlink in HTML Document, the attribute href is added to the tag A. The href attribute either contains an absolute value or a relative value.

Step 2: Create a clickable Link using hyperlinks

In order to create a clickable link, we simply create a hyperlink. The result is a blue and underlined link which redirects the user to the link mentioned in the hyperlink

For example:

(a href="URL-LINK")Clickable Link(/a)

The format shown above is the pattern to add hyperlinks in HTML page.

Here, just add the desired web address in the place of URL-LINK.

Step 3: Create a link within the text

In order to create a link within some text, we simple create the hyperlink within the text in the HTML Document.



Step 4: Clickable Image using hyperlink

Any image can be made clickable by adding a hyperlink to the image's code. When the user hovers the cursor over the image, the cursor changes into a hand. When the user clicks on the image, the user is redirected to the link mentioned in the hyperlink.

Step 5: Redirection to the Link

When we make hyperlinks in html,they always contain an address to the page where the user would be redirected to.
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NICE!! Very helpful. Really needed something as specific as this for an article.
