Java - I/O - Reading Files with Scanner

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Very nice tutorial, very helpful indeed!!!
Thanks a bunch.


Thanks for the video. Please also share multiple columns with header to import that using Scanner...
I had a strange problem. f.exists() worked for directories on my Desktop but not for my text file. I kept my text file in one of the directories on the desktop, again, Java 11 could not read the file. f.exists() came false. I read another file which was lying in that folder for a long time...all went well.
I removed the .txt extension and my new file could also be read....(did 2 changes together...should have tried the new file import without removing .txt first...)
what happened??


File class provides a lot of methods to deal with files. It confuses me that you treat it as just a name of file (which can be represented with just a String) and call a File instance "filename". Moreover, I'd quicker and simplier just find the method nextLine() among the list of Scanner class methods and learn to use it myself than to find and watch your tutorial; I considered to get some more advanced stuff. So, I think the tutorial is useless (except maybe beginners whose first programming language is Java).


I really appreciate you. Could you explain how to store the first line into a variable, and then store the second line elements into an integer array by the user input?


How is it that the scanner class doesnt have a constructor for file argument or the method hasNextLine()????
Help would be appreciated.


OK this is not useful at all. I can see all the stuff in the documentation... If you want to make tutorials. You must focus on explanation of the things. If I want to copy code I can from stack overflow...


Yo just wanna say that GOD loved the world so much he sent his only begotten
son Jesus to die a brutal death for us so that we can have eternal life
and we can all accept this amazing gift this by simply believing in him (Jesus) asking for the forgiveness of your sins
and forming a relationship with heavenly father.
