God does not exist: The philosophy is naturalism | Sean Carroll and Lex Fridman

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Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast.


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Guest bio: Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast.


I have been dead, twice. Ten minutes and 12 minutes.
All I can say is this fella is in for one helluva surprise. He is going to crap his noncorporal pants when the sky scraper size snake made of parrot feathers with butterfly wings greets him.


There have been over 3, 000 gods worshiped over documented time, and every subsequent religion has simply co-opted from the previous religions and maybe added a few new elements for differentiation purposes. In simple terms, religion had first been developed to explain the unexplainable, and then clearly developed into a societal controlling mechanism. In today’s world, religion is quickly becoming a lazy way to go through life.


I'm not religious enough to be an atheist.


Sean needs to have a sesh with DMT, ayahuasca, 2500ug of LSD or Bufo...I would love to hear the same conversation again :D


- Sean Carroll died!
- What happened to him?
- died in a accident, the wave function took care of him.
- God bless his soul 🥲


Was a good podcast but this is just a bunch of vague big words I don't get it. Somebody explain???


Lol this guy is agent Smith. Listen how he talks 😂


Here in Utah, God is a license plate. 😇


There are 100 god (Jesus, Ram, Krishna, Allah etc) But people believe in jesus not allah and allah people dont believe in jesus, Ram, Mahadev etc
So they don't believe in other 99 GOD Then practically you are as atheist as me. I don't believe in none.

If jesus is god, why people turning into lgbt? Why churches being empty? Why he didn't made everyone Christian? Why he made Muslims?

If allah is god, why it made kafers? Hindu, jewish, Christian 😂😂
Why it didn't help Palestine children??

Why god didn't stop hamas from attacking on isreal?

If i say devil made universe people will ask for proof but if god then they will follow blindly.

There's no such thing as previous life, after life, heaven, hellll0, god.

Have high moral level in your life, help people selflessly. Do good in life. Be atheist.

If God was real and actually all-knowing and all- powerful he would know how to make me believe he was real. So far he hasn't yet and so I continue believing he is not real.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. Ie. Prophet Mohammed make entire new religion is to rule the land. But people won't read books and history and follow religious books blindly 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I ain’t religious but it’s definitely a higher power. Idk it’s name what it look like or what it want but it’s way to much in the world man and science can’t explain or show me.


word of salad exits,
therefore God doesn't exist


SC speaks in riddles..he says nothing!


What confusing philosophers and scientists we fabricate nowadays....


Human history has worshipped over 10, 000 different deities, all believing that they are 'the one true god'. Religion is a human condition expressed as the way the individual perceives their reality, or to participate in a collective perception of reality.


lol, hearing him talk about the natural world and "supernatural" world. speaking as though one is legit and the other is for fantasy play time. then turning around and speaking on newton vs Einstein made me actually laugh out loud!!

For both newton and Einstein at one point in history what is now considered the natural world of science was at that time consider a supernatural world view of science. I did like how he commented about arguing on what the word supernatural means. but not in the way he meant it, he feels supernatural should be tossed away and only follow the natural. and that felt less sincere and more mokery.

this is very sad seeing as how at one point in time earth was flat and to think anything else would be considered supernatural thoughts or ideas, anything but base reality. i mean obviously look around you as you walk around earth seems pretty damn so by that logic look around your universe it seems pretty damn void of life but our own and it certainly doesn't look like god is out there somewhere. so this means this is the natural state because I can prove it with my science. I look straight in any direction and I see no curve to the planet. therefore newton is full of shit and his supernatural science is garbage.

do you see now Sean how that only hurts your own arguments not helps??? do you see how the wise man would instead simply say that all nature super or not is nature the "super" is simply the unknown aspects of a very real natural reality. just like earth is very much so round


A tiny Jaw will always say god does not exist.


I agree that the discussion should be about what super natural means and includes. Naturalism can be the same as physicalism or it can also include the immaterial. Even Daniel Dennett told Keith Ward that you cannot have a world view that does not account for information, this is why Daniel considers himself a naturalist because there is more than just matter, there is information/meaning. The difference is that some put this in the religious or super natural because it is not physical. Meaning and information do not have simple location and are not reducible to atoms. But are beliefs, goals, values super natural? I would say no but they sure as hell aren't physical. So both sides tend to miss this point.


Faith is belief in the absence of evidence.


My guess is that we won’t be able to use physical theories to replace morality and similar categorizations because it will not be practically computable to model or deeply investigate individual thoughts, opinions and motivations.
