Walt's Blender: Rush Limbaugh isn't the guy you think he is

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Radio talk host Rush Limbaugh is polarizing. Conservatives swear by him and liberals swear at him. But you might not know the real Rush. Walt Gray explains.

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He's humble, He's reserved.
He's Morrison.


I love Rush and will be heartbroken when we lose him. We need his voice in America more than ever now. It's not time for it to be silenced. I am praying for him.


In all the years I've listened to Rush I've never heard him be anything other than considerate toward callers—even those who disagree with him. I cannot say the same for other radio hosts I listen to – such as Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and Dan Bongino – which is not to put them down... they're just not of Rush caliber, though I do enjoy listening to them. Rush is a genuinely humble and kind man who really wants to hear what people have to say. Very decent person and I wish him well.


I didn't realize how important listening to Rush until this last year.... and coming to grips with the fact that he actually might be close to being finished doing his program. As I have attempted to get information in more and more locations about whats been going on in D.C. and America in its becoming obvious that Mr. Limbaugh truly is the greatest of all time. Back in the early 90's when I started listening.... and then hearing what the regular news media had to say about it became obvious that the media was telling nothing but lies about him - and that just spurred me on to continue paying attention to what he had to say. Many times I would yell and argue with the radio because I didn't believe him - only to figure out over time that he was right, again. He has exposed the left for the dogs they are, and they hate him for it. Too bad for them.


What people also don't know about Rush is that he donates Millions per year.. Because he doesn't brag about it on his show. We know this because his friends like Sean Hannity and Mark Levine tell us. Once every year for over 20 years he has a fund raiser for cancer, I think it's blood cancer. He matches what his fans give. If you work for him, your set. If you happen to serve him in a restaurant, he made your day and month. He even has been known to tip $20 at Burger King. And when he Met Bill Clinton at a bar they both laughed...


Rush is who he is, a guy who goes on the air and says what he does - that's part of who he is.


Yeah well he played Jim Morrison and his younger days


Rush is an American Giant. 600 radio stations, upwards of 95 million people listen (and can now watch) every day for the entire 3hrs. No one in the history of talk radio has succeeded in the full 3hr format. He earns (+/-) $85m year. Net Worth north of $500m. He started 1988 Sacramento Ca. He never lies. Has never been caught lying. We love him like a brother.


Thanks Rush keep America great. Praying for you


Those people who wish ill of others because of a difference of opinion are traveling on the wrong path. God help them ✝️


In America people have compassion, and respect for other human beings, at least most of us. Rush is a good man. I wish him well . If we can't have compassion for a fellow human being than we don't deserve all we have as Americans. Rush I'm pulling for you, don't care about politics.


Rush Limbaugh is exactly the kind of guy I think he is. Though not a perfect human being he is a great American.


This is classy. I've never seen Walt, but I like him.


Our Lord is "polarizing", too. You just can't handle the truth.


Rush has been Rush for decades! He’s awesome! And accurate!


I have listened to Rush since 1991 ish. I find him to be the BEST Radio host for telephone callers. I don't think their is anybody better than him. He honestly knows that his "talent is on loan from God" as we all should. I want to thank you for thanking him from so long ago. That says something about your character, as well. Stay strong as I am sure you will or have had some attacks too.


Rush is a man, a flawed like the rest of us, but he is a good man.
I wish him better health.


How very YouTube-ish it is to kick a man when he's down.


If Rush had siblings I bet he was always the instigator. Dude’s got mad skills.


80, 000, 000 Listeners a day... ENOUGH SAID.. ...
