Hexen und Hexerei: Mythos und Geschichte

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Künstler und Bildquellen:
John William Waterhouse - "The Magic Circle"(1886), "Circe"(1891)
John Hamilton Mortimer - "Sextus Pompeius consulting Erichtho before the Battle of Pharsalia"(1771)
Michelangelo - "The Torment of Saint Anthony"(1487)
D. Martynov - "The Shade of Samuel Invoked by Saul"(1857)
Philippe de Champaigne - "Saint Augustin"(1650)
Michael Pacher - "Der Teufel weist dem hl. Augustinus das Buch der Laster vor"(1480)
Sebastian Vrancx - "The battle of Stadtlohn"(1623)
Abraham Willemsens - "Beggars at a Doorway"(1660)
Francisco Goya - "Escena de Inquisición"(1812), "Witches Sabbath"(1798)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
- Levack, B. P. (1999). Hexenjagd: Die Geschichte der Hexenverfolgungen in Europa (Vol. 1332). CH Beck.
- Davies, O. (Ed.). (2017). The Oxford illustrated history of Witchcraft and Magic. Oxford University Press.
- Bailey, M. D. (2007). Magic and Superstition in Europe: A concise history from antiquity to the present. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Davies, O. (2009). Grimoires: A history of magic books. Oxford University Press.
- Harris, S., & Grigsby, B. L. (Eds.). (2010). Misconceptions about the Middle Ages (Vol. 7). Routledge.
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00:00 Hexen
05:23 Hexen in der Antike
14:01 Hexen im Mittelalter
22:48 Häresie, Satanismus und Angst
39:18 Die Zeit der Hexenjagd
01:01:55 Hexen Heute
#Mythologie #Hexen #Halloween