IGCSE CHEMISTRY SOLVED past paper 0620/61/M/J/22 - May/June 2022 Paper 61

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Hello everyone \(≧▽≦ )>*!!!

Thank you for watching !! ♡

This video solves and explains Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry paper 61 May / June 2022.

Hope that everyone finds it useful and helpful before their examination !!

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and I will answer them all.

More videos explaining and solving chemistry past papers (0620) are going to be uploaded so make sure you subscribe to the channel to stay updated.

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Intro: (00:00)
Question1: (00:10)
The apparatus in the diagram was used to show that when a candle is burned both water and
carbon dioxide are formed. The gases produced when the candle burns are passed through the
apparatus using a suction pump.

Question2: (03:29)
A student investigated the rate at which hydrogen gas is made when magnesium reacts with two
different solutions of dilute hydrochloric acid, C and D, with different concentrations. The dilute
hydrochloric acid was in excess in both experiments.
Two experiments were done using the apparatus shown.

Question3: (10:08)
Solid E and solution F were analysed. Solid E was ammonium sulfate.
Tests were done on each substance.
tests on solid E
Complete the expected observations.
Solid E was dissolved in water to form solution E. Solution E was divided into three approximately
equal portions in one boiling tube and two test-tubes.

Question4: (13:45)
A sample of muddy river water contains water, dissolved solids and insoluble solid mud.
Plan an investigation to find the concentration of dissolved solids, in g/dm3, in the river water.
In your answer state how you will work out the concentration of the dissolved solids in g/dm3
You are provided with a small sample (less than 1dm3) of muddy river water and common laboratory
(1dm3 = 1000cm3)

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Thanks a lot for your clear presentation of the curves, they helped me a lot.


thank you much you don't how much you're helping im sooo scared for m/j session this year inshallah it'lll be easy thank you loaddss


For question 1c, can we not use a cobalt chloride paper? Question didn't say to test whether the water is pure or impure, rather to show it is water, so essentialy the presence of water. Please reply, because I might be wrong. Thanks.


for question 2d isnt it the question mention after 50 seconds?


at 6:16 why are the graphs not leveled? as if they are the same reaction then the same amount of product would be formed, right?


I don't understand how you did the cross-multiplication part in question 4


Should we learn the tests in question 3 ?


In q2e) is it okay to write HCl acid c is more concentrated the hcl acid d because hcl acid c produced more gas?? it would help if you answered thanks 🤍
