I Accidentally Killed A Man | Other People's Lives

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A woman talks about her experience and the aftermath of accidentally taking someone's life.

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God, that’s heavy. Not her fault whatsoever but she has to live with it for the rest of her life ... can’t imagine what that must feel like


My husband accidentally ran over a 1 year old who was not being properly watched. The baby was outside alone his mom was in the house. His mom went to jail for it and we had to go to court and speak against her and everything. He was really messed up about it for a long time. Though it wasn’t his fault at all. He was in a lifted jeep and had no idea till the father of the baby who my husbands co worker. My husband was dropping him off at the house where the kids were. The guy called my husband and said you ran over my kid when you left. It’s so sad for the people involved the kids family and everything knew it was the moms fault for not even being outside with her kid. But he blamed himself for along time. I feel so bad for this lady.


This poor woman is still so shook up by this. I mean understandable but wow


This poor woman, the way she talks you can tell she still isn’t “over” it, it seems very fresh in her mind. I hope she finds peace one day. God bless.


i’ve always had a fear of driving, my biggest fear is getting in any sort of accident, so i truly can not even imagine what she has gone through. i wish her nothing but the best. and touching on people being on their phones while driving, it blows my mind. no text is THAT important that you should be risking the lives of the people around you and your own life. absolutely insane.


This woman has lived a really traumatic life. I hope she recovers from it. ❤️


This is my biggest fear with driving is someone just walking in front of my car


This show is amazing because it displays the depth within each person that we don’t always get to see.


I really feel for this woman. When I was 12 my Nan who was 55 was run over by a public bus due to the negligence of the driver who was just not watching the road...he dragged her a far way before stopping the bus.

However, his attitude was completely opposite... he whined that he was banned from driving for a year so wouldn’t be able to pay a mortgage and had a thousand pound fine. He had little empathy for the families pain and only talked about how it effected him. So I really respect this lady for empathising with the family but also trying to heal. It’s a balance.


Such a serious topic, and so hard to even process. The birds in the background have this episode a sense of calm though. Anyone else feel that?


I judged the title so hard before listening. Glad I listened to the whole thing. God bless this woman. This was not her fault ❤️❤️


So a family member was in a bike accident (fatal) and the person who ran into him was only 24 years old. At the memorial there was a hand made sign that said something along the lines of "the for first step to healing is forgiveness." EVERYONE SIGNED WITH ENCOURAGEMENT, the police officer who took the report gave it to him 🥺❤ accidents happen. My heart hurts hearing this lady and I am sending allll the prayers her way


I know for a fact that I’d be scared shitless to drive again too. Sometimes when I pass people I get paranoid something similar would happen. I can't even imagine. Hell, I was traumatized after hitting a deer - I'm still nervous to drive through areas where they'd be. I can't even imagine it being a human. My heart goes out to her and I'm glad she didn't end up getting arrested.


Crazy story. Do more like these please.


This almost happened to me, a girl stepped out from behind a large construction sign at night, luckily her boyfriend saw and pulled her back, otherwise this would be me


Ma’am, I think I speak for everyone when I say you’re excused ❤️


I was in a terrible accident over a year ago, I was the only one injured, and it was “minor” but I absolutely am on alert, constantly. I relive that trauma, not often, but it’s deep and scary. I’m incredibly aware of my surroundings anywhere I drive. I completely understand her post trauma life.


Personally I like when someone mentions my daughters even though I gave birth but didn't get the chance to bring them home, when the world forgets, you never do. Just my opinion.


I have lost 2 friends that were pedestrians in separate instances and were hit by drunk drivers. and if those men that killed them had a fraction of this women's sorrow and pain then I would've been able to forgive. I feel for her so much
