Told Mom To Go Back To Her New Family When She Tried To Act Like She Didn't Disown Me Yrs Ago.. AITA

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Story 1:
AITA for telling my mom to go back to the family she replaced me with
Story 2:
AITA for losing it on my fiancé for disinviting my stepsisters from our wedding?
Story 3:
AITA for going on an expensive vacation and not helping fund my sister's IVF?
Story 4:
AITA for not helping my partner with our newborn?

#AITA #Parenting #Family

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Story 2: 4:47
Story 3: 9:52

Story 4: 13:38


Story1: NTA. Mommy made her choices, she can live with the consequences. Let her go cry a river. The uncle can get off his high horse, he wasn't the one disowned. I agree OP should show him the IG post.


The op fiancee needed 6 friends at his wedding! But op couldn't have 2 step sisters at her wedding? That is ridiculous!


Story 2 your sisters are immediate family, the step part is irrelevant.
The fact he just uninvited them because they aren't immediate family when he has 6 friends on his invite list is a huge red flag....
Calling you controlling for being upset is a red flag.
Getting his friends to berate you is a red flag.


So... the "mom" disowned OP and started a new family without him, but is mad OP doesnt want anything to with her?

NTA. I will admit OP mom may want to see a specialist cause it sounds like she may have issues, but at the end of the day she made her choice and now has to live with it.

OP is not the AH. Let her go on to play "happy family" with her "real family"


Story 2:
I would've told him, "this is no ones wedding now." And broke off the engagement. She really needs to leave him.


Story 1 she disowned him and cut contact with op. Then is surprised when he wants nothing to so with her. A narcissist though process in a nutshell.


The uninvited stepsisters story: uninvite some of his friends. When he blows up about it, tell him you made a mistake, and meant to uninvite all of them, as invitations aren’t needed if there isn’t a wedding.


Story 2: NTA, and please don’t marry him, OP!

That’s a giant walking red flag. Not husband material.


The first story. (Edit- second story) Holy smokes. Ladies, I know some of you have dreams of weddings and marriage and kids but for heavens sake please do not ever ignore red flags like this. OP keeps framing the problem as a disagreement about invitations. It’s not. This man has zero respect for OP, her family, her boundaries, her happiness. He is sneaky, backhanded, weaponizes his social circle and family against OP and is a dismissive gaslighter. Nothing good could come of marrying him. Hopefully she woke up.


Story 4: 95 hours a week works out to about 16 hour days, 6 days a week, doing critical surgeries and stuff. Jeez, I can't imagine being burnt out like that. I can barely handle a 45 hour work week.


For the girl in story 2. In Arnold Schwarzenegger voice: RUN!!! GO!!! GET TO THE CROPPAHH!!!


Story 2: I think it's ironic that the groom-to-be says that it's "OUR wedding" and that the step-sisters feelings are irrelevant while in the same breath stomping the feelings of the OP ... you know, the OP who is the other half of "OUR." That right there says all that needs to be said.


Second story don’t get married to him. Red Flags! Controlling not inviting your step-sisters for his guy friends. You both talked about who to invite. Now he conveniently says that guest list has to be smaller. Okay he asked you about your step- sisters. You told him NO. He goes behind your BACK and UNITIVE THEM! But keeps his friends ( which I guarantee he adding more friends to the list). Not OKAY! See first 3 sentences!
3rd story I understand wanting to have IvF. That procedure is not one time upfront money. No it not. Meds are 10, 000 a shot


Story 2: OP needs to stop the wedding. This is a major red flag. You are not required to love the additional family you are marrying into but you are required to give them respect. He lacks respect for both your stepsisters and you since he did it behind your back.


OP, as someone who's wedding looked incredibly one sided when I was told I can't invite too many people only to show up at my wedding and all my STB exes friends, family and extended family were there, but only my parents, 2 sisters, 2 of my uncles their wives, and my aunt were there.
After him and his parents talked me into not inviting most of the family I wanted there as well as someone I considered my best friend from school and a few close friends claiming the list was too large, his super large family was there and took up a good portion of the photos and all his friends. That mess ended up isolating me from a lot of family. I could have backed out and changed my mind, but I felt like I stood to lose a lot, and convinced myself that I can't run away from everything. So I stupidly proceeded. His family continued to railroad every decision I made, especially with our child. TBF I should have run the moment his mother told me she didn't want his name on any bills and gave god awful financial not make my stupid mistakes
OP, he showed his behaviour to you before the wedding day, use this time to reflect on similar behaviours he showed you leading up to that point and understand this is how your future would be when he has more of a say over you.



OP#1's mother wasn't reaching out to them. I feel sad for them that they think that.


Story 1: It sounds like OP was dumped for political reasons(the nature of that job was the reason mom said "Bye"...or, at least, that is my impression). So OPs reaction to that doesn't make OP an a**h*le.


That’s rich that in the second story he called her controlling when he’s the one who went behind her back in the ultimate controlling move


1 story, Don't apologize, cancel the wedding, this is a taste of what your life is going be.
