The Walking Dead - In Defence of Lori

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Hello everyone and welcome to my latest in defence of video, in this installment i will making the arguement as to why Lori Grimes is not a bad a character as most walking dead fans make her out to be. I hope you enjoy the video, please let me know your thoughts below :)
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I didn’t dislike Lori for any of those things. Just thought she sucked because she didn’t contribute to the group and acted like she was the Queen because she screwed both leaders.


I mostly disliked Lori because of how hypocritical she is, e.g tells Rick to go to Atlanta to get Merle and 2 minutes later gets angry when Rick says he's going


I too completely forgot Lori saved Hershel. Important.


Also, Lori defended Rick in season 1 when carol kept blaming him for loosing Sophia. He words were something like "u have got to stop blaming Rick, its written in your face every second. He went after Sophia, no one else did. U guys have him take the lead then blame him. If its so easy for u then u go right ahead". Another thing she did that was kind of commendable was even though she got into an argument with Andrea in season 2 about Beth killing herself. When Maggie banned Andrea from the house, Lori was the one to reassure Maggie that yes, Andrea was wrong for saying "kill yourself" to a weaken Beth. But "she has chosen". Remember Lori n Andrea just got into a argument and Lori not holding that against Andrea and instead defending her is commendable


It's depressing how people put everything on lori, when Rick and shane were completely also at fault.

Also she warmed up to Shane at the end, so her telling Rick to kill Shane was super weird. But i do see why she was shocked, .


The thing that makes me most angry is people blame Lori and act like she was the one 100% in the wrong with the Shane thing but I never see anyone shitting on Shane for sleeping with his best friend's wife and trying to take over the dad role in Carl's life. What Shane did was just as shitty and no one ever blames him for the relationship and puts all the blame on Lori.


Lori was never my favourite character but I never understood the complete, furious, unhinged hatred for her that seems to exist in the TWD community. Every character in the show is nuanced - that's kind of the point? And the actress was/is treated horribly by the "fans" which is just totally unacceptable.

Great video!


Based on that first screen shot, Lori is apparently half-giraffe.


I do sympathize with Lori's character in season 1. Season 2 not so much. She destroyed rick and Shane's friendship


Yeah Lori was bad but some of this stuff is true. Also of Angela Kang was the writer she probably would of been liked more


I never thought Lori was a bad person. She was married to a man not emotionally there during the marriage. He then was so cold towards her when she was pregnant, especially during these harsh times. I gave birth more than once...and being pregnant at this time is scary. Mothers often die during childbirth....without a doctor. I felt bad for how she treated Shane, but he started the relationship with a lie...telling her that her husband was dead. He had his reasons. She never cheated on Rick....and most women with a young child will want a strong man, during this time. Rick is not perfect. The only male main original character morally right 100% of the time was Glenn. He was outstanding. I am up to Season 9....been rewatching them all. Negan was insane...will never like him...he killed on a vicious manner. I think people just love that smile. Sociopaths can be charming.

Miss haha my oldest son is a doctor...but my youngest son deliveries pizza like Glenn. He great tips in an upper scale neighbor...and prefers it than using his college degree...and pausing until he gets a 2nd degree. Lol..You can make up to 25 an hour delivering pizza...not too bad..wont get rich...

Thank you..Great videos....We all missed you...great content..


She told Rick to do something bout Shane and when he did, she got mad, there's no point even going into the rest. Men have feelings too O'm not saying Shane was right but it had be hard to fall for Lori and she gets pregnant and he supposed just except it. He offered to leave and she made him stay.


That scene where she says to kill shane is definitely inconsistent and doesn’t help her character, personally I didn’t hate her but that mostly comes because I binged the show through season 4 and felt like she didn’t overstay her welcome at the time (binging helps a lot but seeing it weekly would have made it worse) a character I always felt like was more annoying and far overstayed her welcome was Tara


Hi predatoure, I'm still not crazy about her. She knew Shane and Rick were friends yet she never tried to patch things up. She focused on trying to ostracize Shane and blamed him because of her guilt. Shane thought that Rick was dead. He didn't rape Lori. She was fine with the relationship and then threw him away like a dog. Then like you said she told him the baby wasn't his. Look, it's a terrible situation multiplied by being in the apocalypse, but she made it worse. Then when Rick kills Shane in self-defense she doesn't want Rick to touch her. THAT'S why he acted as he did in season 3.


Lori got way more hate than she deserved.

Sure, in Season 2, she crashed a car on an empty road once but she never did anything to endanger the group at all.

And Sarah Wayne Calles did the best she could with what she was given to work with.

By the way, you're the only person to make a video like this, so thanks and stay safe👍


I really enjoyed this! I thought that Lori was a very flawed character, which made her very interesting. She was a woman who was thrown into this hellhole with her son. She thought her husband was dead. She was terrified. Everyone grieves differently and I believe she got with Shane in order to cope with Rick's 'death.' Shane was also there for her and Carl so eventually I'm sure she developed feelings for him. I believe Lori made a lot of decisions out of fear and desperation. I believe a lot of people in her situation would have made questionable decisions too.


I've come to love Lori ever since I gave the show a second rewatch. I don't think she's as bad as everyone else says she is but to each their own. Her death traumatized me.


3:29 Shane didn't offer protection

And then Judith was made


Also quickly to try and defend lori telling rick to kill shane. Maybe lori didnt want rick to "kill" shane she definitely was making a fight but maybe not a fight to the death maybe she was hoping for rick and shane to fight and then rick and the group would banish shane and she wouldn't have any blood on her hands. Also just to try and defend loris freakout in the season 2 finale she probably wasn't surprised that rick killed shane i mean he was a troublemaker and tried multiple times to rape her. But hearing your husband tell it to you in a serial killer tone: "i killed him...he pushed me... I gave him chances... But i wanted it over... So i killed him" probably freaked her out a bit but i think why she got angry at rick was when she found out that carl killed shanes walker (if you watch the scene again you can see that lori was pretty calm but when rick said carl put him down her face turned stone cold) which is why she got angry because shane was like a second father figure so she got angry at rick for letting it happen as she knew that that would turn carl into a colder person also in season three she says to rick that she knows that rick is no murderer.


i just think it’s crazy that ppl will hate on lori till the sun comes up, but will NEVER hate on shane
