Capricorn Rising

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really well explained! i have been called out for the having a lot of walls before lol it's so truee, but bc of the cancer dsc i'm actually really clingy with people i love lmao


lol damn. im a cap rising and just recently broke up with my partner, and then with my i guess i should say closest friend whos a cancer rising. both of these relationships were ruined on my part because i cared too much (cancer 7th house) which lead to my disappointment and resentment that im not getting that care back. something i read that really resonated with me is that caps need their little project to work on at all times, and sometimes its a person, a relationship --- thats so been me, i love caring, i love being needed, its my most instinctual approach to relationships and ive taken pride in being exceptionally caring, but now im learning the lesson that relationships cant be sustained only on needing and being needed. next to that, its really visible that the friendships that are now becoming more important in my life are ones where theres a kind of distance thats built in. one is a cap moon friend whos really impossible to coddle, and another is a sag rising who has a way too busy social life for us to spend enough time together for this care-resentment loop to build up. love astrology for putting an additional language to these things.

edit: also the observation about caps being judgy and having expectations is so correct.... and i feel so justified in having those expectations/making those judgements because if i can put in the attention and care to do something why cant you. which of course is exactly the resentment im speaking of. 🥲 but yeah why cant everyone just get on my levellll


Dec 27 Cap guy here - great breakdown! We really are warm sweethearts at the core and believe in things being done with class and dignity. We’re just hesitant to give that emotional investment to someone unless it’s earned with respect and trust. Once you have our trust though, we are loyal until the end


I enjoyed this alot. I'm not an ass hole, it just takes a while to open up😅


Cappie sun cappie rising cancer moon (: love this video !! Omggg my name is Ellie too lmao (:


theres armpit hair but i love to it :)
