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About Nurse Hadley:

Hadley Vlahos resides outside of New Orleans with her husband and three children. With eight years of experience as a registered nurse, including six years devoted to hospice care, she has gained profound insights into the field of healthcare. Online, she is affectionately known as "Nurse Hadley," where she shares heartfelt stories from her experiences as a hospice nurse.

Beyond her nursing career, Hadley has achieved literary success as the author of the instant New York Times bestseller, "The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments" published by Ballantine/PRH.

When dealing with any medically related events or medical emergencies, please communicate with your primary health care provider.

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My daddy passed away this past year at a 101 years 5 Months and 4 days old. He wasn't sick, just tired. The day before he crossed over he told me that he saw a stairway going up and at 1 point he was pointing into the air. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he was counting the stair steps in that stairway going up. He spent the whole day that day pointing into the air excitedly and telling me who he was seeing. Like he saw his mother, my mother, his siblings, people I didn't even know. He would be sleeping, and suddenly raised his hands in the air and shout. As a Southern Baptist, he wasn't used to that kind of praise, And the look of pure exhilaration on his face wasn't incredible! I will never doubt the afterlife! I felt like it was such a gift that I got to be there that day and witness this and experienced it for myself!


I am a retired critical care nurse, one day I was taking care of a fellow nurse who worked at a nearby hospital. She was very ill and her family made the decision not to resuscitate her. The provider and I were performing a procedure for comfort and at the end I opened a window in her room. I had previous to that probably opened the window five times in 20 years. Soon after opening the window her heart starting slowing, I rushed to the the waiting room to get her spouse, minutes after we got back to the room her heart had stopped. The husband turned to me and said "why did you open the window? " I stammered and answered "I don't know, I can close it." He grabbed me in a hug and said, " she always opened her dying patients windows to let there soul go to heaven". I have hundreds of stories and also fully believe in an afterlife. I look forward to reading your book.


My precious dad passed away 5 years ago. The 11 days he was on Hospice care my family repeatedly saw proof of the afterlife-Heaven. I could probably write a book about it. My dad was ready to go. He knew what was waiting for him. He was confident of that. About a week before he passed he was having a deep conversation with someone we could not see. He kept asking over and over, " what do I gotta do to get in?" Let me in! Finally he was asked who are you talking to and he replied " the man at the gate" We told him it was okay to go and he said I am trying!! The temperature in the room changed and things got quiet, my dad began to talk about God's love and how much God loves us and if people only knew that! He loved the Lord but he wasn't always bold when he spoke, but he was bold that day. He caught a glimpse of Heaven I believe and he was eager to get there. It was so special to witness him encounter it and eventually slip off quietly to his new home :) God is so good!


My sisters mil Dotty was a hospice nurse for 25 years. She was a very special part of our family we all called her Nana. Nana went home 3 years ago now. You must be very special too. 🤗😘🌹


My father always said "I'm not afraid to die, I just don't want to". One of the last things my dad said was " I'm not afraid to die, they are here to walk with me". He passed saying the names of all who came to him. The last 2 were Marv and Danielle. My cousin and my daughter. Dad reached his arms out to take Danielle and cradled her as his heart stopped. I'm not afraid to die, I just don't want to.


As someone who is facing a potentially terminal illness, I want to thank you. I can't wait to read your book and share it with my family.


My 16yo son passed 12 years ago & watching your channel has given me a lot of comfort. Thank you for what you do.


My dad died when I was 19, 20 yrs ago. We argued before he died and I wasn't able to tell him I'm sorry. I prayed that I'd be able to see him again one last time. That night I had a dream. I dreamt I was waiting for an elevator and when the doors opened, my dad was sitting on a chair in the elevator, the way I remembered him. I ran to him and began to cry as I sat on his lap hugging him and telling him how sorry I am. He just held me and told me it was ok and that he loved me. I asked if I'll ever see him again. He stopped, looked up, then looked back at me and said "God told me to tell you that ill see you again when you come home." The elevator doors opened again and he said he had to go now. At the end of the hall was a beam of light shining down. He walked to it and stopped and looked at me (still in the elevator), smiled, turned back around and walked into the beam and disappeared. It felt so real. I know it was him. I miss him so much. Ugly crying as I write this.


The Intensive ICU nurses, one in particular, this little lady with a similar disposition to you Nurse Hadley, was so kind to me when my mom passed. You are amazing and very appreciated.


Despite being a physician, there is no way I could have survived the passing of my grandmother sans Hospice. Wednesday of this coming week will be one year and you guys are the reason I was able to stay sane. We new that it was imminent when my grandfather was there to take her home. I made the joke that she is the only person he would stop hauling coal (his part time job after from teaching) for. I had ran to Kroger when my father called me and said that she was gone. I firmly believe that she waited for me to leave to pass. My mother did the exact same thing. She coded in the ambulance less than a mile from the house after, I had just helped them get her in the ambulance. She was only 50 but was still celebrating the (x) number anniversary of her 29th birthday 😂 Anyway, thanks for ALL YOU DO! You folks are truly Gods little workers sent to Earth.


I lost both my parents within the last two years. When my mom was at home on hospice, she could barely speak because she had fluid in her lungs (she had developed pneumonia as a result of stage IV colon cancer spreading into her lungs). She was very weak. So I got her to write some stuff down. One of the things she wrote down, the day she passed, was “dark tunnel” and kept pointing in front of her. I think that that was her going to the afterlife.

A year and a half later, on January 1st of this year, my dad passed away from complications of bariatric surgery. He had been in a coma for a week leading up to his death. I couldn’t stay with him overnight in the hospital, only during the day, so my cousin stayed with him. A day or two before his death, I got into the hospital in the morning and my cousin told me in the night that a man had walked through the second floor window, who was tall and lean, with slicked back black hair and brown eyes, wearing a classic suit, and stood in front of my dad’s bed, looking at him. The description matched my deceased grandfather who died when my dad was 2.


I clearly remember the day my great grandma passed away. I was 3 years old and she was asking the nurse for ice chips through her rattling voice. I could hear the machine tracking her heartbeat beeping in the background. I noticed a shadow in the corner and the only thing that stood out was that this shadow had glasses on and the glasses looked lifelike against the silhouette. I could tell it was a man, and he waved to me. Moments later, my great grandma flatlined and the shadow was gone. My family believes that I saw my great grandfather who’d passed a year prior and had come down to be with her in that moment ❤


The day my grandpa died, everyone in the house was asleep. My mom woke up because he visited her in her dream! He looked like the younger version of himself, wrapped his arms around her, held her and told her that everything was going to be okay. She woke up and immediately checked on him and he had passed. He also visited my little brother's dream that same morning, and played with my little brother. It brought comfort to our family to know that he was okay and no longer in pain!


My grandma just passed this October at 99, and she had started talking to relatives and friends from her past, and smiling, saying that she couldn’t wait to get there! I’m glad that she’s home now. ❤


My mother’s hospice nurse was a wonderful woman. The first time my mother nearly died, and I was calling my sisters, she asked if I were okay. She reminded me that she was here to help me too.


Experienced this first hand when I had heart failure myself. My grandma came to tell me it wasn't my time. I feel it's proof as well. Too many stories just like mine to ignore. You are an angel for what you do. Thanks to all the hospice nurses!


One of my favorite patients was getting close. She asked me if I had seen “him.” When I asked her who she responded, “Oh Molly, you just missed him. God was here, he was beautiful.” Later that night she took my hand and told me “you really are an Angel.” She passed the next morning after I went home. I found out when I came back 2 days later and her name wasn’t in my chart. I miss her, it’s hard to have new people move in/out of her room. Im just glad she isn’t stuck in a bed anymore.


congratulations!!! In my dads last days he went into hospice.. hours before he passed we friends/family over to say goodbye… all his 3 kids were there, my mom, and his friends. the hospice nurse said he wasn’t gonna make it to sundown.. so we were saying goodbye and stuff. His one friend, (his partner, he was a cop) came over and ever since day 1 his partner was there for him.. so he came over he talked to my dad( he wasn’t conscious) his friend had to leave bc he had to watch his kids for his wife. And I kid you not his friend didn’t even make it halfway down our driveway and my dad passed. So we all believe that my dad waited to see him before he passed. thank you for sharing your story’s with us. It’s really a big help. ❤


I lost my most favorite uncle back in 1987, he had COPD among other issues. A week or so after he passed. I saw a slender figure in my bedroom doorway, he said my uncle was in a great place and let me know I’ll be ok. I described him to my Mom, he was my great uncle


My aunt passed away 2 months ago and the day she passed she told me to just go out and enjoy life. When I had visited her just a week earlier in the hospital she had told us all about how it every time something significant happens in her life she finds a turtle in the road. The day she passed away, there was a turtle sitting right in front of me within the hour she passed. I like to think that was her way of telling me she’s ok and that her life has come to a close
