My ME/ CFS Recovery Story - At a HIPPIE COMMUNE?! (Part 2)

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Here I share more of my chronic fatigue syndrome recovery story including how a potentially false Lyme disease diagnosis might have saved my life, the results I saw from a $10 000 cleanse, plus more of what living with CFS ME has been like for me. My CFS recovery story continued!

Although it's possible that I was misdiagnoses with chronic Lyme disease, it's important to note that this is a legitimate and valid condition that many people face. The diagnosis should be treated seriously and treated accordingly. What I went through and this one potential misdiagnosis in no way invalidates the condition as a whole.





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Energy saving summary:

- diagnosed with Lyme, took heavy antibiotics for months but it made her much worse so she stopped

- carried on with the supplements and diet and detox things from video 1 and got slightly better by year 2

- went away on a months intensive detox retreat with juice fasting and meditation etc. She felt worse at first but then felt better. She feel a fasting doea help her

- so she's had 2 years of detoxing her home and body and trying to be clean etc.

- did counselling and meditation and journaling and working on her mind

- she was 50% better by the end of 2 years

- she got a divorce (they'd been drifting for a while and the illness was the final straw)

- she moved back in with her Dad and had a lot of pressure to go back to work- tried 3 days a week but couldn't manage, gave up after 2 weeks as it made her a lot worse. So she quit completely

- her mum passed away within this time

- she got depressed

Part 3 coming up....


I enjoy your videos so much, you have such a nice natural style. It's like sitting opposite you listening to your story. Looking forward to the next one. So insprirational, Raelan. Thank you :)


I feel it's important to state that despite my potential misdiagnosis with chronic Lyme disease, this is a LEGITIMATE and VALID condition that many people suffer from. Even though it seems that this didn't end up being the primary culprit with my health issues, for others this diagnosis is accurate and valid and should be treated accordingly. We all have our own unique mix of things going on in our bodies and it's important to thoroughly assess and determine what treatments will work for us individually!


Thank you so much Raelan for telling your story. I can relate to so much of it. I was an Intensive Care Nurse before I got ill in 2016 and not being able to clinically understand what had happened to me, and what had taken the life that I knew, was one of the worst things. Like you, I hated the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and felt totally ashamed of it. I heard myself trying to justify my illness to others, trying and failing to get them to understand what was happening to me. One thing that I am eternally grateful for is that I was always believed and supported by my Dr’s. My diagnosis came in 2017 after I had been given every test counselling. I ended up being medically retired from my job after trying and failing to return to work, which was a very low point for me. It’s been over 4 years now and I would say that learning to accept the diagnosis, being kinder to myself, and concentrating on my physical and mental health is helping me cope. My family and friends are incredible and I am grateful every single day for their love and support. Finding your channel is exactly what I need to feel connected and not alone. I find your videos extremely helpful, you deliver them beautifully and I appreciate all that you do for this community 💕


Just watching part 2 of your story. Both my doctors and I are convinced I caught Covid-19 in March and I am still struggling, although the virus is gone (5 tests all negative).

I am kind of in the middle right now... I can work and do some limited things but if I try and do anything physical then it kicks my backside. Symptoms seem to come in cycles, pain in my chest or legs some weeks, super sore throat and headaches the next, then fatigue but not to the extremes you had or I know other have had.

Still getting lots of tests, but so far all clean.

Hopefully I can maintain being healthy enough to stay working and also get better.

Did you sometimes just wish you could let someone else feel what you were feeling if even only for an hour? I struggle to explain it to people and symptoms keep changing week after week.


Hope you are doing well. You’re a beautiful soul, very intentional.


I never stop feeling disgusted by doctors and how incompetent they are at treating CFS! It’s incredible what you’ve done, what a journey!


I wasn't sure I had CFS for a long time. Recently I started watching your videos. You say that what you eat has a lot to do with it, that eating the wrong foods can set you back. So I tested that. I had my take-out club sandwich on white bread, with a side of fries yesterday. Sleeping last night was absolute hell. I don't know how many times I woke up, I slept worse than I usually do. You are right. I feel brain fog right now and nouns are coming to me particularly slowly. I'll recoup today but I think I'm bouncing back faster. The problem with this malady is what you do makes a big difference so if you keep doing something wrong over and over, you don't recognize that it's what you're doing that's causing it to flare up. Until you stop, then reindulge. Then you can see. Thank you for your work and for sharing with us. I love to read so your book is on my list. Oh yeah, I find getting e-books is easier because your computer can read them to you instead of your having to focus to read it yourself.


Thank you Raelan 🙏🏻look forward to part 3. 💜


Part 3! Thank you for sharing your story and giving hope.


I’ve just started reading your book - it’s amazing!!


Omg...I feel for you. This is why there are health coaches... 10K to go fast somewhere!


Wow I’m a social worker too! I wonder if that (giving to others) contributed to our illnesses… just thinking out loud


I’m listening to every word Raelan.


Thx for sharing your story. I am much older but I still have all the struggles you did. Just about everything resonated with me. I have limited funds, so some of your approaches are financially out of my options. The question I have for you is about exercise and movement. Do you have any videos about movement and activity??
