MOST DISAPPOINTING BOOK EVER!!! | The Business of the 21st Century

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Rich Dad Poor Dad already does some fishy business tactics, but this is taking it too far.

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I am in the process of joining a Network (read: MLM), though I don't intend to join. My friend is in it and I'm curious about their processes and tactics. So far, I've listened to a few "audios" and read a few books, one of them being Business of the 21st Century, and I'm not impressed by the materials. Most of it is emotional and motivational and doesn't contain very much substance. Their tactics are cult-like; telling you not to seek advice from others because "they don't know, they haven't read the materials, their mindset is antiquated" and trying to convince their downlines to mistrust the internet and instead focus on learning and trusting the people above you in the MLM and read the books designed to sell you on the MLM structure.

The book is bad, and the most the people that defend it are in an MLM where they are provided "training materials" such as this book. The only information of substance from the book is the Cashflow Quadrant theory, which apparently, has it's own book in the Rich Dad, Poor Dad line of books.


Anyone want to wager odds that Kyosaki was approached by different Amway high-level distributors about writing a book that would steer people to Network Marketing? Some Amway organizations make this a MANDATORY part of The Process - which is finding people who may be motivated to join as a downline. Do the math - where do the books come from? Who buys them? That’s right, the IBO’s who need to get people to join their organization and Kyosaki has a guaranteed income stream as long as his book is part of the The Process. There is a reason why it is not objectively written, it is not a informational book, it’s a key sales tool and was always intended to be.


The book literally says "I would listen to whoever told you to read this book"


I didn’t realize so many went through the same thing. The couple retired young pitch, they tell you to finish the book, and we meet in Starbucks... 👀 it’s happening to me now


Ah yes, the "met these people who are retiring early" pitch 😂


Ugh I was recently reached out by someone who told me to read this book. I was skeptical and now even more because he wasn’t even clear on what he does. I didn’t know if I was receiving free mentorship or what haha
Too good to be true!!


In network marketing the owner of
The company is in the B an I quadrant.
Your upline or person who enrolled you
Is in the S quadrant. And you who signed up is in the E quadrant - until
You sign up someone then you are in
The S quadrant.
That is the network marketing quadrant.


I feel the exact same and now find myself in the middle of "recruitment."Randon Half Price Books encounter becomes~Panera meet up with "mentors" becomes~Cashflow Quadrant "homework" (enlightening read, honestly!) becomes~Business of the 21st Century "homework." (I caught the same flags and vibes.)
Lol I'm watching the mentor guy draw a "circle diagram, " explaining how this "opportunity" is in no way a pyramid scheme, all the while thinking to myself "all I see are triangles."
Network Marketing vs Pyramid Scheme aside, if you want what Kiyazaki has, do what Kiyazaki has done and, as he said, Kiyazaki has never done any network marketing
I do HIGHLY recommend Cash Flow Quadrant and the board game Cashflow though.


All the older people in this comment section are defending this book and methodology tooth and nail while all the younger ones are talking about the exact same situations happening to them with "early retirees". Just goes to show you how easily the older generations were to fall for things like this


I am on the verge of joining a mentorship group through Amway and I agree with what you are saying. I believe that network marketing is great for people that have a lot to learn about building a team, being a leader, and dealing with rejection. You will learn valuable life lessons but in end, you will be working under someone and making them money whether you succeed or not. It's all about finding a team dedicated to your success. It will never be easy to start a big business but if you're gonna put in the time and effort, why not create your own brand?


There is nothing wrong with wanting to charge for you time or knowledge you’re sharing with others. I don’t see anyone complaining about having to go deeply in debt to go to college just to work until you die.


Thank you for this!! You saved me from losing more time than I already lost after one meeting with a couple trying to be our "mentors" as well. Same book given as homework too, supposed to meet back in a couple days. Sad that there's people like that in the world.


dude same thing i noticed. he never ran a mlm nor does he have any financial interest in mlm


Man this is funny because a married couple just apprached me about this i met up with him for a meeting and he gave me the buisness of the 21st century book, i looked online about it and found this, just to here about others approached the same way, and now im supposed to go to a seminar next week smh


LMAO I had the same reaction when Kiyosaki said he's never done that.
Of course the only reason I got to this book was because of the random person that approached me.


Well the point about a network marketing business is not just to make money. It's about really teaching you about how to learn to manage a business and learn the process of a passive income. The book motivatated me to get in one. It takes alot of time to get the network going. It's a way to motivate people the average people to learn. But there is Network markets that are scams and there are the ones that really help you through always research my friends.


The major failing of network marketing is the same major failing of any business with a simple exception.

Corporate jobs don't put a dream in your head. They dangle a carrot. You jump for it. They yank it away. You eagerly wait for the chance to get denied it again.

With network marketing it can be much the same way. Except you have the carrot to begin with, you just have to build the means to reach it.

Network marketing can be shitty. It depends on the leadership. In corporate America if your leader is shit you still get paid. In network marketing you have to either get a good leader to follow, or find somewhere that offers you one.

People will often pray on the dreams of others. Capitalism is built from dreams and on top of dreams that have died a long time before you or I came around.

But, that doesn't mean capitalism is fundamentally evil.

Tl;Dr: if you join network marketing to make money your a moron. Go buy lottery tickets. They will be more valuable to you.

If you want experience and a paradigm shift, then give network marketing A LOOK. A diligent look. Find leaders who will help you grow and are focused on you as a person. Not a number.

But don't follow nice suit Tommy who has Facebook pictures with fancy cars who dresses like a bum 90% of the time.

If your a fool, your at fault. But never go into any business thinking you'll be rich from it. Even if you start your own, you will not be guaranteed anything. Do business because you have a passion and a desire. Not because "It's a limited opportunity to change your life in a significant way for a small sign up fee."


My wife and I met a couple and meet with this couple at Starbucks and exact same thing gave us a homework to read this book about the business. They didnt tell us a lot of information about the business or what kind of company this is were meeting them next week after we read the book, so if someone kind enough to give me a heads up what about to happen, that would be greatly appreciated I value time so much and I made a mistake telling them that because that's what they used against me to make me wanna see them again. Thank you in advance


OMG I’m in the exact situation like your friend where i was given the book to read and am supposed to meet after reading the book. Now you have me thinking... 🤔😑


Found this because I was skeptical after a meeting with a “possible mentor” who gave me this book and I am so glad I did. In our first meeting when he said “network marketing” I immediately thought MLM. If I had actually read this book it probably would have convinced me. Thank you so much!
