YouTube Million Play Button Unboxing, My Call with Joe Scott, and The Why Files Secret Sauce

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Dude, your greeting at the end of your videos reflect what you are and what you deserve. Congratulations, I´m honored of being part of this community. Thank you.


When I discovered WF the FIRST thing that stuck out to me was how positive the comment section was. Totally different than anyone else I follow. You’ve built a loyal and invested community without fostering unhealthy expectations in a way I haven’t seen elsewhere. The way you talk in this video provides some insight into how and why. The approach is both kind hearted and mature, and it’s given you a foundation that few have in this age. Commendable as hell.


I appreciate your whole deal AJ, the show, your writing and editing, the dance, your authenticity, life, the universe, everything. I'll be here til the end.


The only YT channel I watch religiously and look forward to new episodes, Above even channels that are relevant to my hobbies.


AJ, to YOU I say" Be Safe, Be Kind, and know that YOU are appreciated! Mad love to you and the entire WF family! Namaste!


Congratulations AJ, Hecklefish & The Why Files Team! 🥂 🎉


Dude, you have the best channel on YouTube. Yeah, this is cool. Well deserved! Congrats! EDIT: Take a really good picture of the award, print it, frame it, hang it on the set.


The interaction with you and Hecklefish is a huge part of your appeal, but also the way you give the for and against is amazing.


Having a sidekick who isn’t real, who can say literally anything, and is hilarious, is a big reason for The Why Files’ greatness. You do an incredible job.


I loved hearing about hoodies for sick kids. Love it.


Hey guys, what AJ said about answering people is true. I sent him a goofy email this morning and he answered me -TODAY!! He didn't have to answer at all, but he did. And not a week from now, same day. I'm here for life. And I think we should spread the word to all we know and get everyone watching this channel! AJ, Hecklefish, and the Why Files gang are a class act!!


I jumped on board last year and got a response from you and I appreciated the time you took to recognize my comment! ❤


I love your work so much, AJ. We may be targeting different demographics, but you've inspired me so much on my own channel and I couldn't thank you enough. Your work here on the Why Files is super important, even though it may just seem like a weird "YouTube show". You're changing lives. Your care for others and your authenticity are traits that are so rare in people these days and I appreciate all the hours of hard work you pour into everything you release. It does not go unnoticed. Here's to another great year, you deserved all the success you found in 2022 and I hope that success continues for you in 2023.

PS: finally ordered a Hecklefish mug and its amazing, great quality material and great printing.


Congrats AJ!
You will be on the "big screen" someday. Us diehard fans of yours just know it.
You are extremely talented & creative.
(Hecklefish will always be by your side)


I don't know if you'll see this, but I am a writer. I write about strange subjects, and I recently published my first book. Anyway, I discovered your show a month or two ago. I'm not a creator on YouTube. However, hearing about your YouTube experience has encouraged me to keep going. Don't get me wrong. I would probably keep going either way 😂, but I am learning a lot from you - about not being afraid to just put my work out there. So, thanks for that. 😉 For the record, I had quit watching just about everything because I was so bored. I haven't enjoyed a show this much in a very long time. You've done a good job.



So Happy For You And Your Team... I am excited about your milestone and looking forward to many more. 💯💯💯

Much Love From Strong Island (Southern State Parkway 👀)

Cheers 🍻 to MANY MANY MORE YEARS of growth and continued success 🙌🏾 👍🏾 🙏🏾 👏🏾 ✨️


The "A" in AJ must be short for AUTHENTIC, your honest and candid manner is SO REFRESHING, you are so hard working- and it all comes through to us, the unseen viewers- just know that YOU AJ are APPRECIATED!!! ❤💫👋


One of your video pop up on my app last week and I hv been watching non stop ur content.

Here's why WHY FILES are so successful imo 😂:

1. Your voice. It has that tech Linus tips channel guy's nerdiness quality. I know it might sound weird but it's clear, crisp and superb.

2. The comedy is also top notch. Hecklefish is brilliant.

3. The content is amazing and engaging. Todo content exceeding 10 mins takes a lot of skills.

4. The cliffhanger where the logo showed up is also spot on. Compared to other YouTubers who likes to zoom in and out of their faces which are distracting.

5. Ohhh..and the logo always mess our minds up with the word WTF...But it's effective ..😂

Keep it up. I think it can be way more bigger than Ryan's channel 9r even PewDiePie.


So glad to see it happen for you! My favorite channel. Thanx!


I love you even more now AJ. I love your humanity. Congratulations on 1M!
