Legalism Is Not Love | Costi Hinn

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Legalists hear Christ with a works-based mentality, often hearing the words of Jesus in John 14:15 as more of a threat than an affirmation. This mentality leads people to obsess over moralistic obedience while neglecting genuine affection for Jesus.

True love for God doesn't result in formulaic "obedience" or simply checking the boxes to put on an external show.

Our internal affection drives our direction. Costi Hinn expounds.

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Bishop Mari mar emmanuel said ‘don’t focus on not sinning, focus on Christ and then you’ll begin to stop sinning’


I can testify to this. Once I knew I truly knew I wanted to give my life to Jesus, my prayers started being answered. But my prayers weren't for things. I prayed for wisdom, guidance, self-control of my lust and hate, and to guide me to live my life in a way that glorifies God. And I repented.. and as I remember past sins, I kept repenting. I don't know how to even explain it.. except that the praying worked, but my lust and hate have almost completely washed away. And when situations would arise, I would think to myself, "thats weird, I'm just naturally reacting so differently all of a sudden." Don't get me wrong. It's not perfect. I'll have random moments, no girls even around, and I'll just be swamped with sexual thoughts out of nowhere. And again I'll pray a quick prayer, and now I can almost feel the desires leave my body. It's wild how it works... and a non-believer probably can't even comprehend it and thinks it's stupid. But God knows your hearts intentions better than you do, and when He knows its true, He will answer. Unfortunately in this broken world, many of us have to fall many times, sin many sins, and be beaten and broken down ourselves before our mind, body, and soul can all align with God. But we are blesses because our Gods forgiveness is infinite and His arms are always open and waiting. 🙏🙏🙏


God is so good. I needed to hear this.


So beautifully put! Direction follows affection❤


Yeah, I guess I really struggle with legalism at times.


My legalism stemmed from being given away to an orphanage and living there for some years in a military like manner, then being adopted and literally being raised to check the boxes to gain affection.
Do chores, get good grades, be more athletic, it was completely conditional love and when It was obvious that I came with some issues, well it was a dead project. I was thrown aside, gave up on, sent to therapy then later a mental hospital because I wasn't heard. The humiliation was the worst, it all sticks with me today.
I had a very hard time understanding parental love until the Lord gave me kids of my own. I realized that in becoming a father I had even more issues and decided that everyone does the best they can. I love my kids unconditionaly, they are a part of me but, I make many mistakes.

The enemy will tell you or try to throw the lie in your face that God is just like us. It's easy because we are the highest reference we have for divinity being made in Gods image. But, God is nothing like us, or rather WE are nothing like HIM.

God is Love, his essense, his drive, his motivation is Love. It's giving a person 100% benefit of the doubt 100% of the time no matter what, and with God the cases have been extreme.
Abraham with his son, Peter walking on water, Daniel in the lions den, the three men in the fire. Despite everything, they believed in God and gave him the benefit of the doubt and the doubt was surely great.

The road is narrow, for me it's hard but, I pray for anyone that read this that yours is blessed and full of Joy and Love and Hope!


If you love me…. You will is the key. Which supports the keeping the commandment by nature. The desire to love is the will of God because greatest of these things like faith, hope and charity is charity. Jesus is the mercy of Gods love which is above all . Amen praise God and thank you Jesus


Tysm, I've always stressed on what I should do like a checklist to show my love for Jesus and to earn his love rather than knowing that Jesus always loved me and that if you get to know him you'll do his will. I'm glad that the Lord showed me this short because it answered the questions I've had on how I should feel about Jesus's affection, works, and emotions ❤🙏


I didn’t think I was going to like what was said next, but loved it :)


Amen, Praise the Lord that he’s done it all! We love Him bc He first loved us!!


i needed to hear this...😔💖 thank You Jesus that you always speak to us, in many ways...thank You. 💖🙏


Goodness! I think I’ve been guilty of that! Thx!


We all are legalists because we can’t fathom that a glorious God like ours ACTUALLY truly loves us despite our flaws


exactly, follow and then it will all fall into place


I noticed that he said “If”. I really don’t understand why people get so personally offended when someone says… “we are to obey the Lord”. As a Christian you should and you also should be okay with being admonished because the word of God says to do it.

2 Thessalonians 3:13-16 KJV
But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. [14] And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. [15] Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. [16] Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

I actually wish there were more godly men that would have stepped into my life so I wouldn’t have lived such a sinful life. Yet Christians today are so afraid of judgement towards each or holding each other accountable to ourselves. To love God is to obey his commandments.

Are you supposed to divorce for any reason? No…. Jesus Christ says in Matthew 5 & 19 that divorce is only allowed in the case of adultery. If you divorced and remarried for any other reason then you are living in adultery every time you have sex with your new husband or new wife. Unless of course your previous spouse has passed.

Are you supposed to lie? No… So stop lying.
Are you supposed to covet? No… So stop coveting.
Are you supposed to gossip? No… Stop gossiping.

It has nothing to do with being legalistic as this man is saying. It has everything to do with holding each other accountable. Yet realistically no one today wants to be told they are living out of the will of the Father. How do you know???

Because they continue to say statements like these….

“You don’t have any right to judge me.”
“I live my truth based upon scripture.”

Go ahead and live your truth honey…. Because you definitely aren’t living Jesus Christ’s truth.


I love this 😊❤ takes the pressure off being performative in your walk with Christ to prove that you love him. I needed this perspective!


I use to love Jesus Christ like my father. My father taught me, obey and follow the formula and you will succeed and you won’t get hurt. Now I love Jesus Christ like I love my wife. I do my very best to avoid things that may harm me or us; if only because I don’t want to lose them. 😢😢😢 I couldn’t picture this life on earth without my God, my Lord and savior, my Holy Ghost or my wife. I know that my wife was a gift from The Father, so I cherish her while I wait for him.


Amen. Thank you pastor Costi, such an encouragement of hearing it.
