Together we can make it! BUT HOW?

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Let's talk about how we can get together and with a little bit from everyone, we can make a big difference.

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DIY seems like a better option IMO. Open sourcing the project is a great idea. All the people who believe in thunderblade can add their brainpower to the design. ⚡


If we could also start a convention like AnimeUSA or Otakon but for Air Treks and Air Gear? I’m telling you man, it would take off like wild fire


Oh hell yeah, THUNDRBLADES are BACK!!! YEEEES!


I'm happy to see this is back. I backed this project before, but the goal was not reached. I hope it works this time.


Great idea man you are a visionary just signed up for the membership can’t wait to hear more about the product and help contribute. Keep it up!!!


I think it is very hard to ask for donation if there is no real product you can give in reward to people who donate
but I understand that if everyone would donate 1$ you could really develop it faster so I like it
it is a very good idea to send future prototype to donators

all looking good, pretty much just waiting of more videos from you
still also waiting for discord

I love that you came back after all that time and break the silent it is very good for the community that wanted thundrblade for years
you should totally stay active on youtube maybe even stream at least once in a week to answer questions or show progress on prototypes
just anything to keep active the community


I believe this is the best option for now. I'll make sure to donate as soon as I can


But fr fr, There’s a lot of potential here. It would be long to go into detail for every point so I’ll summarize only a few I want to make.

Going open source is probably the best move to make.
1.)By allowing your community to feed into the development of the project, you are growing the community.
2.) By making it open to supporters, you give us the knowledge to repair our skates. Which is something a few companies are being heated for.(Ei: Future Motion with the one wheel)
3.) With a growing base and open project, the opportunity to spread word of it increases also! I personally like to imagine this becoming a world sport, and people from around the globe race with their own versions of Thundrblade.

I’d love to zip around akihabara and shibuya!🏃‍♂️


An open source idea would be great for custom motorized skates. I feel it could catch a following in a way similar to how video games these days retain their playability due to mod support. I also feel open sourcing might lead to good competition amongst innovators thus allowing people to improve upon the design and further develop (making it faster but also safer, etc).


Try to stay active on YouTube at least once a week like another commenter mentioned, Do livestreams where you answer questions live, maybe even a livestream where you look at skate shoe designs that people send in and you tell us your opinion or even just a stream where you draw your designs and just talk to commentors on the stream, the more you stream, the more of a chance you will have to earn some money and publicity, it lets people know that you are alive and well, also let’s us know that the project is still alive :))


I'm in! I won't be able to participate in the Discord or Q&A much, but a few bucks a month to help you make prototypes is an easy choice for me!


I don't understand why this is taking so long idea is really good have a foundation to work with this not pulling in investors..into this project. .in the year 2020 ...2021..and 2022....this could score...the prototype u have ...the idea of its drive system is could use both electrical and physical without changing anything....and giving customers a range of accessories and convenience is a goal in any product ...investment will build on be honest if anyone's reading this..I only stumble upon this in 2020 ..because I wanted to find something ..easy to carry in my car to go short distances instead of using unnecessary search came up to electric scooters, electric uni cycle aka ECU looks like fun...but expensive..I was waiting for the thunderblades to make it..and am still waiting


Man I was trying to reach out to you regarding this, I've been watching you videos to understand how to make this as my own personal project.


We need an Air Gear DAO, stat.

Open source it. Use crypto as a way to capitalize the open source project and let the community perpetually fund itself (or destroy itself). This might be the kinda thing DAOs may be better for than Corps — it’s essentially a global research project to explore motorized skates.


diy is a nice idea
but I don't have 3D printer
I think the best would be for you to sell a "diy kit" with some stuff that we cant find by ourself such as 3D printed things and maybe the motor
and also provide a list of where to find other pieces
to make it as easy as possible to do by ourself and you sell the thing that are hard to make


I wonder if it's a good idea to try and cross promote with Team Reptile. They're currently making a Jet Set Radio successor called Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. If that game does well I'm sure there will be new gamers interested in this kind of thing


for example it would be very nice that you make a livestream explaning how HUB motors work, how you could or not stack them on a wheel
have you experimented ideas to make thundrblade more fun like haptic input on legs or something to trigger the motor when your leg work like traditionnal skates ?
also maybe japan's region tourism office would be interested funding your project ?


If u convert remote into a glove... It will be more compact


I am a member of your ko-fi but I am also to dumb to know how to get to your Discord.


The best option would be a diy package not have to worry about manufacture cost and still making your money p:)
