Stereo HiFi Receivers vs. Integrateds vs. Separates. What's right for me?

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In this episode Kevin goes over the pros and cons of receivers VS integrateds VS separates. Find out which one is right for you!

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Main reason for separates (to me) is to upgrade and build a better system over time and generally a separate component is designed for that one thing to do one thing really well. For me crosstalk isn’t really a consideration.


Theres nothing better than the looks of a vintage receiver. Its mesmerizing looking at one when a killer song is playing. Also make sure a receiver has pre out main in. That way a receiver can be turned into separates.


As an “old schooler” I have come full circle and back to what is now considered, “Vintage Audio” equipment and performance. I currently have a Definitive Technology AVSoundbar system and a audio-technica AT-LP 120 which actually sounds really good.
That said, I miss the look of a Marantz/Pioneer receiver ( the lights are hypnotic) and the depth of sound is addictive.
Thank you for helping me to sort out the differences of components in terms of performance, price and applications. Your channel is a wealth of information to reenter this era of sound and experience. 0:12


This is perfect for a rainy Sunday late afternoon ! Thanks.


Nice to hear emphasis on the ROOM!
Brain - Ears - Room - Speakers - Amp(s) - Phono Placement - Vinyl - Mastering - Artist
The chain is long, it is easy to concentrate on the easy parts, ...
For me it is Glass Separates. ( I am my own technician, ... )


This guy does great commentary on the subjects. Usually on point and when not he lets you know its his opinion, where I find I usually agree with him


My whole childhood my dad talked about Marantz sansui and so on... I thought I knew all and had some decent av receivers then one day I got my hands on a vintage McIntosh and I never looked back and so I lived happily ever after


Over the many many years I've been into music I've tried ALL routes. Plus and minus points all along the way. Currently, I have separates for my stereo music in the bedroom. In my Lounge I have a monster Pioneer Integrated amp for my 11.1 surround sound system for movies. Both systems give me exactly what I need for what I am listening to at that particular time. Most important of all is the enjoyment I get. Which is all that matters in the end...
Keep up the great work, love your videos.


I’ve ran both. But I like separates. More versatile, and separate power supplies. And that itself makes a difference.


For 1985 me, the factors were pre-amp features and amplifier power. I went with a Carver C-1 preamp for the Sonic Holography (which when set up correctly is awesome) and the Hafler 500. This preamp had all the inputs I needed, including all the tape deck cross connects (I also have a DBX 224 and 4BX). The Hafler was a kit that I build as a EE student. I looked for about 2 years before deciding on these (mostly scraping up the money). This system still works after all these years. Thanks for the video.


Great video Kevin!!! Keep up the good work!!


I can happily live with a 'receiver'. I still love my Braun Regie 510 bought when I was a student in 1973.. Right now I use a tube Counterpoint SA1 preamp with my Sugden ss power amp and it's a great match, and in winter I was using Quad II tube amps as power amps (just too hot in summer!) And I just bought an Heath 1500A receiver that I restore.. hoping to buy another classic Sansui/Pioneer/Sony? Receiver before they disappear from the market for good. As a rule, I'd never any amp/receiver that contains a Dac.. I love trying, listening my own combinations of components. I love integrates too.. oh gee.. lol


I’m a receiver guy. SX727 through EPI 100s. I have three kids, a house that’s too small and perpetually needing decluttering, as nd this set up is visually attractive, everybody likes it (including my wife) sounds super to all of us, and it was relatively cheap and easy to set up. And, there’s a great local independent radio station that plays all kinds of excellent music, which just sounds awesome in our little space. Peace!


Excellent !! "Fuzz Bunny" -- wet myself, just a little. That would've been my Aunt Mildred, bringing her stuff into the shop. Never heard of a DiscWasher. I think back more to my Heathkit days, when I think about separates, integrated, or receivers. They sold kit versions of each of those, PLUS speakers. I got a chance to build several display units for the store. The separates that they sold, like the others, sometimes were evolutionary. They came out with a really awesome preamp that did it all. Then they matched it up to a power amplifier model, based upon your cash and speakers. They actually sold kit versions of Altec-Lansings, (Monsters), so they HAD to have a series of power amps. I am like you -- my room is not treated well enough, for me to notice the difference. To those that have a fully treated listening room, I could see possibly getting a really nice preamp, and then picking up a tube amp (McIntosh) for the "warmth" that everyone talks about. BTW: thanks for the email response. Take Care....


THE MAIN THING here that needs to be said is that for decades, companies in their ads and literature say that moving up in price to their integrateds and seperates from their receivers is a move up in sound quality. More sophisticated design & circuitry, better layout, better parts, better specs, more power etc. So it's been taken for granted that if you want better performance than a company's receiver, you move up to an integrated or seperates. It's about the sound. The question isn't whether a receiver CAN sound as good as seperates; the real question is "What does the company give you in either case." If they save their top designers and circuit designs for their seperates, then that's the way to go if you can afford it and sound quality is your priority. Some people want a pretty light dial whether they listen to FM or not. It is aesthetics or nostalgia for some. But generally speaking, receivers do not have as good a specs or perform as well as seperates. They're just cheaper and prettier to look at. Great video. Very thought provoking.


You are so right on! The most important component in your system is the room & how it's treated, then it is your setup and finally the speakers, then the electronics and finally the amp/s. I don't think you will be able to notice a major difference without a highly dedicated room. But the bottom line is always is if you as an individual are happy with what you hear. I doesn't matter what anyone else thinks because you're the one that is paying for it and listening to it the most.


Back in the 70s I remember separates as being esoteric (and more expensive) perhaps appreciated more by audiophiles; space was often at a premium, and as you noted integrated was much simpler to manage for the average stereo buyer trying to pay for it all with an after school, part-time job. Separates were a way to 'separate' yourself as an audiophile- and yes I remember being told by sales people the quality of separates was better. At least that was the pitch. The 'pick and choose' or mix n match arguments never appealed to me. The name of the game was largely the most watts for the dollar for most first time buyers on a budget. In 1975 I made $2.05/hr at my first job; buying a quality sound system was something many of us aspired to, but we needed to leave some $$ to buy the albums as well. Integrated receivers made the most practical sense.


I have to agree with you on the visual impact of a receiver. I still have my first Sansui receiver from 1971 and every time I look at it I smile. My daily listener is a Denon integrated that I enjoy but the Sansui is lan old friend. Just need to find a local shop that can service it to restore the sound quality to what is should be.


The cool thing about separates is that you can isolate what piece is broken. If you have a phone, you have a test source that can feed the amplifier directly, or the preamp. If the amp is working, but the preamp introduces issues, you've isolated your problem. Easy peasy.


I think you’re 100% correct… I have a Pioneer 737 I bought in 76 and the darn thing still sounds good with my heresy II’s…! I did buy an Outlaw 2160 to drive my Maggie’s.
