life advice from seniors in college – podcast 001

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After some creative stress, I decided to just send it and create a long form video focused on the audio / conversation, AKA my first podcast! I'm quite aware that taking creative risks and trying new things on YouTube can quickly lead to the destruction of a channel; instead of unsubscribing, please know that this channel is going to stay the same–documenting my life, college, and more importantly, my journey with skateboarding. B podcasting is something I'm extremely intrigued by! Maybe this will become something strictly on Apple Podcasts and/or my website in audio form only, or maybe the videos will end up on their own channel, or who knows, maybe you guys will like seeing these podcasts on this channel once in a while! Whatever happens, your feedback will guide me. Appreciate your support during this creative vulnerability of trying something new.

People & Things mentioned
The Nine Club
That Creative Life



*I am compensated if you use these links*


❇️ Green Jacket; search "vintage bomber jacket" on Poshmark for similar ones (mine is White Sierra)


Hi! I'm George Poulos (yes, I am from Greek descent!). I'm currently a 21 year old senior at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT studying computer science, but after school I plan to run my YouTube channel & clothing brand Arrow Skate Co full-time. I'm madly in love with skateboarding & the lifestyle surrounding it; I have been skateboarding since 2005, so it's been about 14 years. I grew up in Maplewood, NJ, I currently live in Brooklyn, NY, and I study in Middletown, CT.

Wow, thank you for reading my entire description ❤️ Leave a comment on this video or DM me on the socials if you have any questions!
Рекомендации по теме

I watched the whole thing, chill af, will def watch another


Yeee yeee so stoked to see where this pod cast goes good luck George


dude I am truly inspired by your character. not sure you’ll ever read this, but I find joy and inspiration from your videos because you are such a chill, down to earth and good person. I don’t know how else to explain it, you just send positive energies which is why a lot of people watch you I’m sure.

You have inspired me to get back into skating, although I won’t be able to afford a setup for a long while, it’s on my bucket list, truly through the inspiration from you and your journey.
I’m heading into Uni, and hope to meet someone like you. Super cool dude. Keep doing you!


this podcast was pretty awesome. Id love for you to do a separate podcast about creativity and arrow skate co, like what inspired you to make vids/ do arrow sake co and definitely want to hear you talk about the arrow skate co designs and the artists who do the graphics for each drop (maby even bring them to be guests on the podcast) as an art student Im super interested to hear you talk about that kind of stuff


Bro you are a massive inspiration love your videos inspired me to do the videos I do


I watched the whole thing and thoroughly enjoyed it as a senior in college starting in fall. I have to agree that I cannot relate to people who do not know what they want to do or who don’t want to graduate. I have been blessed to always know what I’ve wanted to do since middle school. I pursued the same passion throughout high school and college and have never doubted my passion. I am very excited for graduation because I have so many plans for my future and I agree that I am starting to dissociate with the college experience now that I’m ready to move on with my life. 🧡 thanks for the podcast. I also enjoyed the small portion about relationship advice (:


Yes please! Continue these! Its good to chill out and just talk sometimes. A great way to relieve stress. Some of my friends do podcasts also but mostly true crime stuff. Looking forwards to the next one!


So hyped you’re doing this! I’ve been listening to podcasts on my way to and from class for the past month and this is just what I needed.


This was pretty sweet as it shows your personal connection to your audience.


You should do more of these, super chilled, good conversation, such wholesome content


I clicked this vid just to see a sec of it and was gonna click away but it drew me in and I watched the whole thing. I’m excited for more


i have only watched the beginning of your video and I understand so much.... the regret of the choice in your study... exactly what happened to me and to so many others because how many are we to know exactly what we will like, what we will really be good at later when you're like 17/18 and just beginning to start your way to adulthood.... Thus you are very very lucky to have this passion waiting for you and in wich you will be able to give 100% of yourself!! keep going, i'm sure you will go far! I wish I had this passion when I was at your place! I am a big music passionate i love to play and create, but this just happened to me like 4/5 years ago when I already had a (quite boring) carreer and an 8 year old child. Much more difficult to operate a big change in life in these conditions, so my advice (even if you don't need it!): hang on, keep going and don't give up!!! oh and i'm happy to see that you guys are still together (i just watched a video from 2016 and i was hoping you guys stuck together!) and now I'll stop writing books in your comments sections, sorry for that!!


Loving the podcast vibes George! You have great provoking questions for Nora, loved hearing about your lives and perspectives!


i don’t understand why i can go skate for an hour or two then come watch a few YT videos and i’ll see a skate video then i’m like damn i should go skate and it always happens. btw love your channel it’s surprising to me you haven’t become huge yet


First, you get me into The Nine club... now you're making podcasts too! You the man George! Love this stuff and will continue watching.


I can't wait to see where this goes, I hope it turns out amazing


Loved this George!! Thanks for answering my questions! (College, Make relationship work, how to start clothing line). Ik this video didn’t get as many views as ur other sk8 vids but don’t let that discourage you!!! We love hearing more about your life and the lessons you’ve learned etc!!! We want the Poulos Podcast!!


as a junior in high school, this was very helpful


Thank you guys for answering to my question 💕 lookin forward to more chapters


George has arguably the best variety of content at of any skateboard you tuber anything you want to watch about skateboarding he will have
