Analyzing the US Recession Fears | DW News

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Global stock markets are experiencing significant volatility due to rising fears of a potential US recession. Neal Shearing, chief economist at Capital Economics, provides insights into the mixed signals from economic indicators and the complex challenges faced by central banks.

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While inflation has come down since its high of 8%, pay raises have not met up with inflation. Companies continue to lay off, have restrictive hiring processes and are giving minimal pay raises. So, the net net to the individual is that people are having a hard time buying food. Do you honestly think that the average pay rise for 2024 was Because if it wasn't that high, then people are loosing money net net.


That is why I love to awake people on the new recommendations to stay Connected, Awake and Aware! for safety.


This is all the same BS from a year ago. Has Murdoch invested in DW. Do better!!!


Regarding your comment on the ISM Manufacturing PMI, it has been below 50 since Oct 22 with the exception of the March '24 report where it was 50.3. The concept that the ISM is what tossed the market it on its ear seems a bit odd unless there was some working there that suggested that the outlook was bad, where previously companies had their heads in the sand and were saying that the outlook was brightening. For those that don't know, there are several Index guides used in Macro Econ where the central weighting is a value of 50. Above 50 is good, below 50 is bad. Over the last 10 years we have had 13 quarterly reports come in with a value of less than 50 previous to Oct 22. Since Oct 22 we have had 20 almost consecutive reports of less than 50 again only 1 report over 50 and that just barely. Comments seem to be clearly anti-FED which there are people who are such and believe that the US/world would be better off without the FED. In the desire to not irk people I will not make comments pro or con about the FED, just that much of this started before the FED acted and making moves before they did they had no clear markers to suggest that movement was needed. There are no crystal balls in this world, blaming people for hindsight is well, silly.


Guys it was a technicals driven selloff. The yen carry trade. Salm just published a piece explaining why she doesn’t think recession risk is high


The pandemic?

The system is garbage because the costs are ignored, externalized.

On top of that, we're getting to gilded age level inequality.


The market slide made me sad because the fed almost pulled off a perfect soft landing... I was calling for them to shave just .25 a little bit earlier and wait, the fed seemed to be speaking like they thought a small shave like that would lead to runaway inflation but this situation was always going to be a touch inflationary


What else can you expect, they owes 35 trillion fking dollars and still borrowing


Detective of Money Politics is following this very informative content cheers VK3GFS and 73s Frank


Will US dollar get cheaper in a recession?


According to the newest report of Bundesgerichtshof the dependence on US Gas is worrying.Earlier was Germany „forced“ to buy cheap gas from Russia, now Germany is Forced to buy US Gas. Irony of History .Important is to discuss in case of the definite US Recession what is their Plan to carry it to the EU economy.


Fertilizer prices tripled. Want to guess why?


Endless outragously expensive wars usually cause recessions.


fed will not cut rate till september ..whatever the market does


Did you know that there were no economic crises in the USSR? Read about the crisis of overproduction and how socialism solves it. You'll understand why


I would say these shows are a good representation and writing but within the confused world of ideology. The show really shows you what a nightmare it is to live in a society where you’re constantly self censoring, you’re confused about your role and you’re constantly antagonistic towards everyone. These writers have no experiences of banter because they speak like machines out of fear of offending someone.


DW needs to worry more about Germany. This nonsense isn’t helping anyone. Or is it?


From $37K to $65K that's the minimum range of profit return every month I think it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family. ❤️>>


yellen was also the one that assured us back in 08 that there will be recession. boy was that biggest lie in her career.


As a American this country is definitely in the gutter. Everyone says so no matter where they sit on the political spectrum and social class.

It seems to only be politicians and the media trying to gas light us that we are doing fine when we arent. This country is in decline in so many ways even outside economics.
