YOUR DRAWINGS ARE SO GOOD. Also yeah this would suck. Nobody should judge others for an innocent hobby!
I hate how many times people have said vile things about furries right in front of me because they dont know i am one
I hate when ppl say therians are furrys or hate on furrys I support furrys but I’m a therian I support everything but I don’t support haters
It’s okay to be a furry. Don’t let yourself down and don’t doubt yourself for something you like 😊
Furries are js silly beings tryna have fun and live their life😭❓ js leave them aloneeee, it’s not like they Harass you unless you come at them😭😭
Onggg like I’m not a furry but I had a teammate that was a furry, he had some anger issues but he was rlly funny. And he liked my drawings and he didn’t judge me for drawing furries (it wasn’t really furries, it’s like those characters like mika kit or wtv, but less.. anatomy and more gore)
I am too. My bestfriend since I was in 2nd grade hates furrys and I can’t show her to my new friends or tell her I am bc she’ll leave me
Y’all get your roasts ready Ik there’s gonnna be a flock of haters 😭🙏