Aim Assist was NERFED in Black Ops 6! | (What Changed?)

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Aim Assist has been a hot topic in Call of Duty since the launch of mixed input play and, surprisingly in Black Ops 6, they've actually made a notable change to nerf Aim Assist for controller players in close ranges. Today, I wanted to share what exactly changed as well as my thoughts on this particular nerf. What are your thoughts on how they've nerfed Aim Assist in BO6?

0:00 Intro
0:32 What Exactly Changed with Aim Assist?
1:55 Why Now?
2:35 My Thoughts on Nerfing Aim Assist
3:22 My Feedback on this Specific Change
6:50 No More Aim Assist Options
7:37 Wrap Up
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I just want hit registration to be consistent. Instead of taking 4 shots to kill one and then taking 7 to 9 to kill another


They need to reduce the camera bobbing too. Makes me motion sick moving around. It’s janky.

EDIT: I have reduced camera movement in the settings and been playing CoD for 10+ years now. Still not enjoying the bobbing. Never had issues with it till now.


Looks like aim assist was nerfed cus the devs saw how all these new movements makes Zero difference in terms of survivability, since AA would track it perfectly anyway 😂😂


Make a video about how absurdly slow it is to change to your side arm.


THE ONLY problem with aim assist is it's ZERO reaction time in rotational aspect when target changes direction of movement


Was waiting for ace to say "jarring..." He didn't let me down 🤣


I definitely agree that this is not the way to go about changing aim assist. I'm generally a high rank in MNK shooters, but still find myself being simply unable to compete with controller players in a similar percentage of the skill bracket, so I do agree that it is in need of a nerf. Some other people have commented that the problem with aim assist is that it has no reaction time in changing directions (whereas a skilled MNK player would be physically unable to replicate this). This also occurs when people run round corners, or when controller players are holding angles. This is definitely a problem that I've noticed playing the last few iterations of Call of Duty, and I agree with others that an artificial 'reaction time' on aim assist would go a long way to solving the problem.

However, I also feel that on-screen obstructions have been getting even more obnoxious in recent Call of Duty installments. For those who play on 1080p monitors on PC, the forced TAA already makes the game blurry (while also harming performance - I don't know why they insist on it). Add onto this the amount of screen shake when shooting and getting shot, massive cumbersome iron sights, particle effects, hazes, smoke, etc. and the ability for aim assist to completely negate all of that also feels like borderline cheating when competing against it. However, I don't imagine that this one would have any really easy fix - I just wanted to open discussion on it.

I do think that for the time being, the best aim assist rework should be to remove the close-range nerfs that they have been testing in the beta and simply add an artificial reaction time to aim assist for players appearing on screen and/or changing directions.


What they really need to fix is that god awful hit reg and desync. I can throw a good 15 bullets into someone without a hit marker then on the kill cam I can hear my bullets hitting him but see no damage. That’s a serious issue I’ve noticed quite a lot


I agree 100%. A gradual change from around 7 to 1 meters would probably be the sweet spot.

I also wouldn't mind a reduction if there's a soft peace of cover between you and the enemy. In MW3 Terminal you could "scan" the entire plane from the outside. That shouldn't be possible.


I hate how people are so soft that they can’t take any amount of criticism even if it’s fully justifiable and well reasoned. Bunch of charmin bears in the cod community. Not Ace ofc but the fact that he has to preface what he says so much to pander to the softies out there


huh thanks for finally letting me figure it out its been driving me crazy for the last couple days trying to tell my buddies there was something wrong or off with the sensitivity in close quarters this explains it


As a controller player for many years who switched to keyboard/mouse about 5 years ago, I realize aim assist is needed for controller; however that rotational was just too damn powerful. I'm very glad that the changes have happened in this game, because I was genuinely thinking about returning to controller if the strength of aim assist remained as strong it is in MW3


They should have just removed the rotational part and left the ADS slowdown. The current setup feels odd/off.


Didn't know about the nerf honestly I just felt it was a newish game and I was just trash at first, but I'm adapting quickly with more positive kd then not.


Sounds like it will be easier to break people cameras now since the target won’t be able to track me as easily


Bruh. Yesterday I saw a lot of people saying aim assist was buffed.

I'm convinced that many people are just completely stupid and haters for no reason


This explains why I had to check my aim assist options to make sure it was on several times… I agree that the changes simply far too sudden and far too severe for fun gameplay. I don’t wanna have to constantly be keeping track of ranges like that to make sure that I don’t lose my biggest advantage, considering how roller also has a severe disadvantage in the fact we can’t move our analog stick as freely as an arm and mouse or precisely with our thumb as opposed to an arm and mouse aiming method.


Definitely prefer your suggestion. Thanks for explaining what I’m experiencing.


I like the change as a former KB&M player that moved to controller. The aim assist since MW2019 has been so strong that it felt like you were putting yourself at a disadvantage to not use controller unless you are absolutely cracked with KB&M.

It definitely took some getting getting used to, but I'm happy with the change and can play fine with my controller. I do like your idea of a more gradual step down in aim assist rather than it instantly changing once you are at a certain range.


What I've noticed as a PC Mouse/Keyboard player is Controller players automatically drop in semi-close quarters. We don't have the advantage of Aim Assist to track that players drop. I've become accustom to pulling my gun down in CQC, granted, it only works about 85% of the time, but drop shot controller players will get you other wise.
