Underground Music

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'Underground Music' is a short documentary about the past, present and future of the Creswell Colliery Band and the community surrounding it. Creswell is a small former mining village on the border of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. The Bolsover Mining Company sunk the pit in 1896 and the band was formed shortly after by all accounts.

The film is a collaboration between the filmmaker and band and looks specifically at the idiosyncratic culture of brassbanding at least 20 years after most of the pits serving the bands closed for good. It examines ideas of individuality, collectivism and community through the eyes of band members.

'Underground Music' is the result of a commission by Junction Arts and Limestone Journeys and was made in late summer/autumn 2012.
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Nice documentary, I was one of the players that played christmas carols don the pit, my father was in fact the musical director at the time, good days.


The pit villages of our area make sad sights, when you think of all that once went off in them, children born and raised, adults working, retiring, the social life, people who all knew one another, sense of community.At the end of the day, values and pride.It really must be a hard blow to be told you no longer matter, what you create is no longer worthwhile or wanted, and to see all you, your father, and his helped to build, destroyed.
