How make your child a MILLIONAIRE

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My son Geo is a future millionaire! Watch the video above to see how I know.

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--Video Editing by Justin Nelson--

Major brokerages like Fidelity and Schwab make it easy to sign up for a custodial account. You’ve got to get your kid one of these as soon as they’re born.

This is a brokerage account for investing for kids. They can invest in stocks, bonds, ETF’s, and more.

It can be a great way to save on your child's behalf or to give them the gift of money.
The money in this account belongs to the child and you’d be amazed about what this ownership can do to boost their understanding of money, the value of it, and the concept of long-term savings. The account is considered the minor’s asset and it can be funded with the parent or guardian’s after-tax money. I can even transfer shares of stock to my kid, and there are tax benefits.

A custodial account can be opened within seconds. Withdrawals can be made at any time by the custodian, but these must be for the benefit of the child.

Growing up I was completely oblivious to money. My folks didn't make a bunch of it, they completely spoiled me, and sadly I took advantage of it. I went out with friends, went out to movies, met my wife Beth, bought CDs and DVDs, and went to every concert I could. All while my dad was working long days in a hot dump truck, pulling in the driveway at 6:30 at night sweaty, dirty, and exhausted. They wanted to give me a great life, and they did. It's only now, 20 years later that I can fully grasp how hard they worked for me. But the great news is, I can now share my mindset about money, both acquiring it and spending it with my kids.

Both my kids were interested in the concept of saving money at a very very young age. Once I instilled them with the concept of saving money, how compounding interest can help it grow, and what it can lead to down the road, they started to get hooked.

Geo here has been an avid student of the stock market, how stocks work, and especially buying stocks, which can be equally as fun as buying other random things, except, he now knows the drastic difference between saving money and building towards something versus just blowing money and having it go down the tubes. And guess what... This didn't take long. Right off the bat, he loved the concept of seeing his money go up in value, sometimes for no reason, like the stock market, while he would boast to his friends about how much he had saved up. He actually has more saved than many 30-year-olds.

And let me stress, this is obviously not financial advice, but your child, in my opinion, does not need to be placed in risky stocks and speculative cryptocurrencies. If you simply look at the numbers, they don’t need to do that. You can put them down the safest road imaginable in investing with very, very low downside risk and a century-long track record that almost guarantees millions of dollars in their account. Yolo-ing their money into “growth” companies with no profit or the latest crypto coins that gonna crash puts their money at risk and completely defeats the purchase of starting early.

So sign up for a custodial account in minutes and help YOUR child become a millionaire!

When geo applies to college they’ll expect he contributes 20% of his assets value, each year. And guess what account you’ll have to report as his assets - this custodial account. Keep it in your name only boss, college will expect you to contribute 5% of your assets. Much less impact. Just open an account and tell your boy it’s all his when he saves that much on his own.


Sure have a UGMA/UTMA account for your child but at the age of 18 when the account goes to the minor automatically, what are the chances they won't spend the money on things that you don't approve of ? 1% of kids have financial maturity at the age of 18, do hope your child is in the 1% else your hard earned $$ will make some one else drunk and high.


you teach a kid about investing, it be almost impossible for the kid to not be a millionaire, by age 30. when I started to invest in the stock market ( a few years earlier in real estate. )

Financial Education should be in school !


My kid is 1 and I’ve saved every dollar he’s gotten from various things. Put the cash in safe ETFs


Guys can yall re upload or post more videos that were made for investment for kids please..


Can you please make a video on what stocked to buy for kids account


My daughter was born on April 18th. So I started a "children account" by saving monthly rates on the Vanguard S&P 500.
In Germany here it is different taxwise. Everyone's earning can reach up to 801€, next year up to 1k without paying taxes. I am the one who is in charge until she will become 18 years old.
Some child-friendly stocks will follow.


This little fork didn't realize how lucky he is that surround himself by people like paul Mo and his dad seth. Not many kid has a fortune like him.


Got one for my kid this jan she's 14, I got 6500 in it atm lol


I wonder if he secretly he’s gona buy bitcoin behind ur back


Hey Seth, are those custodial accounts limited to US citizens, or can they be accessed by non-US residents as well?


A Fidelity custodial account for kids are great for ETF fans due to fractional share purchasing ability. It makes it easy to DCA into VTI and VUG.

Schwab is great for traveling families. Just put money away into ETF SCHB.


Get him to buy Intel
You are the fraud.


You guys are 100% right My mom did this for me told me one day I have $27000 to invest in the stock market. in an account called an RDSP Canadian thing. My mom and my dad divorced she was making no money so the government was gave us a 400% return on every dollar invested up to some dollar amount, initial starting capital was 27 more was added probably ended up being closer to 35 Total cash put into the account closer to 80 nowPut 3000 in Tesla in 2019 Since then this channel has really helped me retain those gains And helped to steer me away from the dark side i.e. Cathy wood stocks Still have 37% in Tesla though covered all starting capital and then some though


Teach Geo how to look for Warren Buffets cigar butt companies. Even if he doesn’t take advantage of investing in them he will still learn a lot on how a company can be valued.


wow, i really hope I can do this when I have kids. my Parents worked Paycheck to paycheck and I respect the hell out of them for that. But being able to do something for my child that I never had would be amazing


@Everything Money This is awesome! Great way to get your kids learn about saving at a young age! And on a side note it's annoying to see scam bots with your logo trying to scam people in every single comment.


You have a very lucky boy! I wish my father did that for me. He never cared to teach us about money only not to trust women. Your blessed young man..


I have a UGMA/UTMA Account for my daughter as well! 💪🏽


consider inflation adjusted amount at age 65..
