How I Broke Youtube with 1 Video

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I explained how I got over 20K views and 1000 subscribers with just one video. I showed the general strategies I used, and the formula for writing a story for your video, which is the biggest factor of making a viral youtube video.

If you want to learn how to make a viral youtube video, or how to use storytelling in your video, I'm sure you're gonna get something from this one.

Hope you enjoy 🙂

🧭 Tools I use:

#youtube #editing
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Here's a pdf version of the chart if you want to print it 🙂
Good luck!


This is one of the most helpful videos on video making i have ever seen. Every other video is "just tell better stories" which doesn't help or mean anything to me. This actually explains it. Super good job!


Bro you should explain how you edit your videos. Storytelling matters but look at the editing you’re bringing, it’s so much quality


Great video!! As a small content creator on YouTube (using alt account to tell you about these tactics), I know how hard it is to gain traction and attention from the beginning. Like many of you people, I was tired of creating quality content almost every day and getting only a few hundred views on my best days because of their algorithm. After that, I tried using some tools to ramp up my social presence, and honestly I don't regret it. Consistency and hard work (and you have to use a little bit of Famester as well) will always pay off. Good luck to everybody!


damn the storytelling tutorial was something out of this world, that graph presentation part was crazy good!!!


Blud really said 'fck the traditional strategies, ima do my own thing💀'


Hey Isaac! Remember us you reach 1M. We were with you from the Start😊


I think what really makes a channel blow up is how unique your channel is compared to others. I watched a Youtuber's channel blow up when he simply posted a video of himself riding a sled down a snowy road in a first person view. That video blew up for something so simple. There could be several reasons your channel gets more attention from one video. It could be a confrontational video with the law. It could be a video of you experiencing a natural disaster or it could be that you give good reactions in your reaction videos. Choose a video idea that is popular and do something different with it. For example if you're making a try not to laugh challenge with a friend and the goal is to not spit out the water, add something extra to that challenge. Also make your video intros unique.


Sir. This video was a masterpiece. I generally don't comment on videos but this was too good to not to. Didn't feel like it was 6 minutes at all. Great topic and explaination. Wishing you the best!!! Blowup incoming!


I've been studying story's and story structure since the lockdown as part of my fiction writing. I didn't even consciously think to add a narrative in my script writing for youtube but my first video blew up within my niche, getting to 20k views in the first month and 4k watch hours (but not 1k subs...). Looking back at it and trying to work out what happened I realised that I had accidentally implemented a lot of basic narrative structure into the writing of my video. It's very cool to see you describe youtube scripting from this narrative structure perspective. Great video


I was literally trying to find a storytelling tutorial earlier this morning but I couldn't reallty find anything good, and then I saw this insane video, this is such a good strategy to use, it's really smart to analyze other things and take information from them to use for yourself, keep it up king.


Great video man, crazy editing! Mind sharing the voice character along with settings you use?


your goated dude, your presentation style, edits and transitions are crazy as it is. Then with the sound effects as bro im lost of words. Honestly one of the best videos ive watched, your gonna blow up big time


Some people don’t have as good of editing as your. Your editing skills and sound design is off the walls brother!!


This was probably the BEST video I've watched talking about what it means to create a story telling video. I have recently switched to Youtube about 5 months ago. I've started picking up traction but I knew I needed to understand how to story tell, otherwise I'm not going to succeed. While watching this I was able to lay out the way my intro to my video and how the rest of the video can translate through the whole thing. Thank you so very much for this video!


when they charge us money to buy their courses he just helped the entire editors and content creators on YouTube for free in under 6minute and his video wasn't boring at all felt like a 10sec video! Thanks fr man


God your editing was amazing and it hooked me up so much, it was kinda overedited a bit, but not to the point where it was bad, you've catched the perfect pacing and editing, keep it up. do not dissappoint me with your next upload as i have subscribed


Your editing skills are insane man, congrats ❤🎉


Bro just explained the most basic storytelling technique (hero's journey) as if it was something revolutionary and unheard of 😭😭


You have a good strategy to keep people watching your video, if you get more than 50% screen time you go viral, that's your strategy, the editing is perfect, that's dopamine
