Matters Microbial #2: Shock and awe microbiology and a chat with Mya Breitbart

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Mark discusses some “shock and awe” concepts about the microbial world that he introduces to his microbiology students, and asks three important questions about microbiology and microbiologists with guest Dr. Mya Breitbart of the University of South Florida.

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– Who Am I? –

I’m Vincent Racaniello, Earth’s Virology Professor.

I’m also a professor of virology at Columbia University in New York. I’ve been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. On this YouTube channel I share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

New videos are uploaded several times each week.

I do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. We depend on your support.

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I love that these kinds of videos are available for laypeople to learn from! Thanks for the interesting discussion.


You are amazing, Mya! Congratulations on all your accomplishments! Great interview! 😊


This micronaut got her notif in real time 😊.
Ready for a lesson with the enthusiastic Dr. Mark 🍿


Imagine all the names of all known microbes are printed throughout the 20-odd volumes of some encyclopedia. Those microbes considered medically relevant would only fill one volume.


I’m a big fan of Forest Rowher! I had a class with him and read Mya’s paper “Phage: Puppet Masters of the Microbial Realm” How cool!


I learned a lot. Fascinating and you are a wonderful teacher. I love science lectures.Thank you.Lis


Great episode. Thanks looking foward, enjoyed the info the ice nucleation protein capture my imagination, as it contradicts propiedades coligativas. Making it a Quantitative lab experience could be interesting.


You are bad ass. I love listening to you and Mike. I rate you two as the finest living English orators in the US if not the world.

You introduced: "Dirt does not smell like dirt."

You see what I mean. You will soon see a movie. The bad guy will be seeding a piece of ground with multilated bodies which he will put in the ground so well that no one can find his clandestine grave yard.

The good guy will come along stick his nose in the air. "Do you smell that?"

Side Kick: "Smell what? The dirt?"

Good Guy: "Dirt dose not smell like dirt."

That line is more valuable than the price of admission 🎫.


I’ll think about this when I swim in the sea.


@Mark: you could do with getting a taller seat, so that you can centre yourself in the image and sit further back to reduce the goldfish bowl effect. The bookcase behind you will help you square things up. It looks like it's sloping backwards at the moment.

Also, I'm not sure it's a good idea to encourage sniffing of soil samples without explaining about Coccidiomycosis, Melioidosis, etc. even if they are only a tiny minority of microbes found in soil.

Such a huge subject: I don't know how anyone can try to learn much befpre being overwhelmed! Glad I'm just a general browser and not a student who has to remember stuff! :)


This series is not going to get beyond episode 10.


The camera is too low, the up the nostril shot is wrong, seek professional advice.
