A.C. Grayling - What's the New Atheism?

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What's 'new' about the New Atheists? Atheism has been around for a long time. There are surely new attitudes and confidence. Are there also new evidence and arguments?

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Man I wish I was good as explaining as A.C. Grayling.  He is totally right about faith.  That it is a comfort thing.  You have faith in the answers that make you comfortable.  If you are comfortable in the answers provided in religions then you will adhere to that religion, unless you look outward and find another answer to be more satisfying.  I am happy with that we do not know the answers but we are always trying to find them.  That is one thing religion tries or tried to satisfy but science is the real tool to discover.


Really enjoyed this thanks a trillion for the follow💛💛💛💛


It's 2017 and the Atheist is still trying to play the definition game. Atheist assume a view about the nature of reality, no one is immune from this fact.


It seems like that was not the full interview, do you guys have the full interview??


New atheist groups are something the state should not be bothering with anymore.


"There is such power in the religious conviction" . Have to agree, circumcision, flying planes into buildings, raping altar boys and getting away with it for decades, celebrating the murder and torture of a human being with a cannibalistic ritual and then an Easter egg hunt. Powerful.


Eh, his argument seems sketchy. Fine, he doesn't collect stamps, yet he does believe they exist. It looks like he's using the old "atheism means lack of belief or non belief in a deity" definition. But based on what he referred to, Atheism from the Greek means the assertion "god does not exist". Whether it's positive or negative, it remains that it is a claim to knowledge.


Atheism is like seeing a Porsche and assume it is a meteor that fell from the sky. Laughable at best.


A beginner needs another beginner and so on


Atheism, especially concerning God conceived as the creator _ex nihilo_ of all that was is and could be, is certainly no mere denial or simply not being convinced. It necessarily involves a kind of world-view, even if an upholder of that world-view may espouse or reject whole rafts of different theses of lesser magnitude. (So, by the way, may Christians differ from one another.) Atheism necessarily makes man the measure, even if the details of atheists various measures may differ. It is to take the world as a blunt _given_ rather than a creation. That is a significantly different view of the world all by itself. Read the famous "God is dead" passage from Nietzsche. (Not just the key sentence.) It gives one a taste of the consequences of atheism. It shows atheism as a positive thesis itself, and thus something that needs arguing for. Thus, one has two competing theses, each a logical denial of the other. It is far from clear that the onus lies all on one side.


Atheism is like seeing a Porsche and assume it is a meteor that fell from the sky. Laughable at best. A beginning requires a beginner.


Both people are so wrong. The host is clueless as to any philosophical arguments theists make. So is the atheist.

Faith doesn't mean to believe without evidence. Faith means to trust. The Devil believes God exist but he doesn't have faith in God. Learn the definition used before making arguments.

Next is that the Christian God is just one of the many Gods that exist in ancient mythology. The God of Abrahamic religions is not a being that is comparable to Zeus or Thor. Those live in a set world. Have sex with other Gods. Are finite. Were created themselves somehow. They are bound by constraints. And they are humanoids or animal like. In other words they are X-men.

God in Abrahamic religions has no beginning and no end. Has no physical body. Is not humanoid. Can't be comprehended. Knows everything and has no bounds.

If you want to compare the God of Abraham the closest comparison I know of is Brahman. But even then the concepts are very different from the little I know of them that its hard to even compare them.
