Y Strap Dangers | My Thoughts on the Y Strap Adjustment

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Dr. Gregg Gerstin discusses his thoughts on the y strap adjustment.

Today, I’m talking about the y strap adjustment and what you should do instead. The Y-Strap adjustment is meant to stretch the spine by pulling the head in the Y-Axis of the body. This pulling force will generate a decompression in the vertebral discs.

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Рекомендации по теме

My chiropractor wouldn’t perform y-strap or occipital lifts due to scar tissue in my neck that he saw in my X-rays. I was upset at first, but happy that he knew that it might hurt me and told me so


Thank you. I was looking at one of those videos yesterday. The patient was severely disabled from a horrendous accident, and the chiropractor used the Y strap 3 times, among other adjustments all in one day. It seemed very dangerous. In a comparison i saw a video of an Australian chiropractor treating a young man injured pulling a tree stump. The doctor healed him over 10 days and used only conventional techniques, and consulting x-ray pictures to make sure he was doing the correct moves and not injuring the patient further.


I have had chronic upper
back pain for 22 yrs
and researched the y strap for chronic upper back pain, Finally found someone near
me and went to see him. after taking x rays he said he did feel it would help and I explained I had a fusion c3 to c6 . He said i would be fine. After each adjustment I told him I was
actually feeling worse and he said don’t worry after many adjustments I would begin feeling better. I stopped going after 5 visits because I was
not getting better
and only worse. Had and mRI and xray showing my fusion had shifted, but doctor won’t say y strap caused it. Just be safe and careful I guess is my message here . I am now having another fusion in two weeks including 2 levels lower now and repair to bottom of previous. Curious if you think this could have caused more issues for me ? I was a huge believer in this y strap and searched everywhere to try it if possible with my fusion .


As a chiropractor, I recognize that the Y strap technique can be effective but carries significant risks. Two young, healthy patients of my colleagues suffered serious neurological deficits from it. Proper chiropractic techniques helped them recover. Notably, this technique isn't taught in accredited chiropractic schools, raising safety concerns. Personally, I believe the risks outweigh the benefits. Patient safety is paramount, so always consult with licensed professionals for the best care.


I still don’t know an actual chiropractic school that even teaches this technique.


The Y strap is absolutely amazing. I definitely believe in it. It works for me and frees up my neck unlike anything I have ever felt. And it lasts a good while.


Recently went to a chiropractor who was known to perform Y strap and occipital lift, which I really wanted done. After examining my X-rays he determined that due to a surgical procedure that left scar tissue in the neck area, he wouldn’t do those type of adjustments on me. I was upset, but happy that he knew enough not to potentially hurt me
