The good stuff survives the years pass; very useful video I was thinking on a more complex solution for my problem with pagination but this saves me a lot of time. Thank you very much.
Dear Miro
I went through all your course of this series, and found them very helpful, Valuables and very simple so that anyone can follow and understand them very easy .
I can not find any word you deserve for this amazing series
Thank you much for sharing.
Really helped me thank you so much from India
Thanks a lot for creating this tutorial! It was really helpful
Great Tutorials, Thanks for your time.
i have downloaded and watched all of these series videos, liked and subbed and i really thank you for such thing, please do more turorial series on ASP.NET Core, and one more thing, if you give details and some explanation on the things it will be much better, since you do the things so quickly :)
Thank you so much for all the tutotials ..
I watched every video. Thank you very much
Nice helps me alot thankYou sir.make another video series.ThanksThanks Thanks
Thank you for the great feedback :) do you think that I could eventually do this for living as well?? :)
Indisputable one of the best series in ASP.NET Core (used Core 2.2 and it worked) I have seen, very well thought out and executed. Could you continue the series and add book images and using Sql Server (tried it, but game errors). Thanks
Thank you for your learning where can I get the whole course videos?:
Is it possible to have the new author selected in the drop down list of Create new book after returning from create an author view. By the way, I followed the tutorial perfectly, thanks to your well executed instructions and explanations, the website was simple and practical. Keep up the good work.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your video.
When I am creating a Book, getting an error message like this.
SqlException: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint The conflict occurred in database "aspnet-LibraryManagementApp", table "dbo.Customers", column 'CustomerId'.
Kindly check
Great tutorial. Are you done on asp ? can you make additional functionality. Login, images, maybe a detail tut on razor pages, that would be great. Thanks
Great Tutorial. I have a wish, can you make the tutorial how to uploading image with repository pattern and save file name to database? i'm still confused how to separate between file and file name, the file should be move to the folder and the file name should be send to the database. Thank you!
how to redirect to an external URL with custom http headers ?
Could you please make a tutorial about using ASP.NET for MySQL database
Is there a chance to prepare a video about the configuration of NLog, Elmah, Automapper. Unfortunately, I can not find anywhere a meaningful video about these three tools, and as something is very rudimentary information without a deeper explanation.
How to use free admin templates like DevOops in core 2.0 .