Noorbakhsh's second wife fights with the lawyer to get Ariana and Sadiq's help to the lawyer

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In this lawsuit, Noorbakhsh's second wife and her brother Yaqoub are seeking custody rights or privileges that belong to Ariana, a person who may be their child or relative. This lawsuit may include issues related to the maintenance and upbringing of Ariana or the division of inheritance.
A lawyer, who is a legal representative of one of the litigants, professionally tries to pursue the interests of his client in the best possible way. In this process, the lawyer may face legal complexities and many documents that require careful review and legal analysis.
Sadeq, who seems to have a supportive and advisory role in this process, helps the lawyer to collect the required documents, analyze the evidence and develop a suitable strategy for pursuing the case. Sadiq's role can include providing key information, reviewing legal documents, or even helping with important communications. This cooperation can help the lawyer to provide a better position for the parties in court or legal negotiations and ultimately, increase the chances of success in the litigation.

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#dispute solution #sadiq_help #legal_consultation #law
#client_interests #legal_file #custody_point #financial_difference #sadiq_role #legal_documents
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Почему полицию не вызывают. Оператор тоже недоделанный, ждёт когда произойдёт трагедия. Якуб сколько раз приходил забрать Ариану. И каждый раз дерутся, а полицию не вызывают. Сестра Якуба бросила ребёнка, теперь по прошествии времени Ариана стала нужна. Пришла нападает на Вакиль, забрать Ариану. Вот и Якуб пришёл под предлогом забрать Ариану. А Садику говорит, скажи адвокату Вакиль, пусть даст денег за Ариану. Якуб Мошенники вместе сестрой. Ариана нужна ради денег.


So, FAKE this woman can't even act she is laughing when they are fake fighting.


Porque vocês fazem essa palhaçada tota e a operadora não chama a polícia o cara quer dinheiro pra deixar a ariana nessa casa a senhora advogada tem fazer reclamação desses dois porque estão perturbando ela todos os dias.


Зачем столько драк?Вызвать полицию, Приходят в дом адвоката и устраивают такое.Закройте вход во двор!


Надо сразу полицыю вызывать, а вы передеретесь наведете хауз, а потом полицыю, а Якуб нагрубил побил и уехал, молодец Якуб, сколко можно себя унежать, а юрист я вас непонимаю!!!!


Señora Vakil ponga un portón en ese espacio así nadie se meterá en su casa hagalo


Ya va esta vakil, metiéndose donde no le importa, solo vea el ejemplo de Zainab y Noorbaksh, la mujer quedo embarazada, y en peor situación que antes, porque usted la convencio de que volviera con el;ahora está haciendo lo mismo, pretende.decirle que sadiq cambió, que tiene una casa para ella y los niños, después de tanto maltrato, después de que estuvo viviendo con zahra en la tierra de Elham, vakil, deje las cosas como estan, Elham esta tranquila, están construyendo una casa grande, esta bien con la familia, NO LE ARRUINE LA VIDA A OTRA MUJER, CON ZAINAB ES SUFICIENTE, NO HABLE CON ELHAM DEJELA VIVIR SU VIDA.


E muito perigoso levarem a criança quando a doutora não estiver em casa


Don’t give her up Mrs.V cause she gave her up for the husband who didn’t want Ariana, that’s why she tried to put blame on Norbash, however u spell his name and it wasn’t his, keep that little girl with u, please don’t give her back she’s been through enough going back and forth like she a meal ticket for anyone….


Why do you not put a fence around your house so that nobody can get in


Beleza sadik ajuda a valki esses bandidos ficam importunando ela esses dois bandidos


I think this lawyer is sadiq wife from tag dora. That's why she always wears the mask. She sounds like her also, why is sadiq so pally with her and her husband is never around.


Elham is young and could get married to a very good man like her father. Her step mother married with her two children to her father and have been having very peaceful / good life for long time !


Вакиль, почему ворота не ставите с замком? Каждый преступник, наркоман, вандал, психопат кто угодно, забегает к вам домой и маленькие дети дома одни. Разве так можно оставлять, у вас врагов много, в любое время могут зайти и забрать детей. Безобразие какое-то дом прямо на дороге как в собственный гараж заезжают 😂


No entiendo como el operador no llama la policía


Você deixa ariana nessa casa qualquer pessoa pode vim e levá-la porque fica aberto a porta e não tem portão seu quintal não tem segurança nenhuma.


Madam lawyer you should have a helper male and female in your house to secure your dafety


People think that Elham would live with Sadiq because he has building, I think, he could feed his 3 children no more than 5 days. No money for schooling them for 10 years !


Tá querendo dinheiro e ladrão, ponhe um portão na frente aqui agente não fica a porta da casa aberta e tem que ter portão


She needs to stay out of their lives. That guy is evil to the core only cares about is he kids take the children away from his wife to hurt her that’s all he wants to do deep down. He’s not kidding me.
