Premium Jet With STEALTH MISSILES | War Thunder

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1 of 3 premiums I think are *almost* justifiable for $70

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Since I’m getting repeat comments on the matter:

Yes I tried “kill stealing” at 1:30. My stance on kill stealing at top-tier is as follows:

Kill stealing is just a part of top-tier. That is the nature of point and click missile combat. It happens to me, it happens to you, and we know all too well 90% of our teammates would’ve done the same thing if they were me. I’m not going to miss out on neuron activation from the funny sound after getting a kill because I’m worried about being the “honorable” teammate when the overwhelming majority aren’t anymore anyway.

Aside from that, in this very clip you can see the target shoot a missile while he’s on fire, allegedly “dead“ if somebody can still shoot missiles at your teammates, they’re still a threat to the team.

In non-missile combat kill stealing is much more frustrating, and I refrain from doing it. The kills take more effort, skill, work, time, etc. and the threat of a severely damaged enemy to your team is much lower when they don’t have 30G all aspect missiles. Robbing someone the satisfaction of a kill that they put way more work into after a dogfight than they do at top-tier when the target isn’t even a threat is much more understandable to me. But in top tier, everybody steals, the targets are still threats until they’re dead, and less goes into actually getting the kills - since the only “skill” that goes into getting the kills is determining whether or not they are paying attention to you.


It was on sale for 35 bucks a couple weeks ago. And I did not even bother thinking about it and bought it. Grinded the Flanker, Fulcrums and Eagle with the remaining premium time in 14 days. One of the best purchase I've made in 10 years of playing the game.


its insane. you can easily go above 3:1 kd
for me, using only ACM mode in MTI with the R-24R works the best


Bought this in the most recent Christmas sale, and it's been easily the best purchase I've made as far as premiums go. I started from pretty much nothing in the soviet tech tree to having the su27 in two weeks, and I definitely could've gotten it sooner if I had more time to grind. I've hovered around a 2kd in this thing, and I'm an average to maybe slightly above average pilot. Can't recommend enough to those who have experience in top tier.


Wait we're getting 12.7? I thought Gaijin said they weren't gonna increase the BR cap. That's awesome news!


as someone who's flown the MiG-23M for pvp since it got added, the MiG-23ML and even the 23M are honestly really decent. you never ever see it happen in top tier air rb, especially with how your average player in the ML is, but the Flogger airframe if flown properly with wings out and taking proper lines can rinse the hell out of things like Viggens, F-5E/Cs, J35Ds in a 1v1 and absolutely distroys similar airframes like the Phantom. in some cases i would even go so far as to say it could face up against a Mirage 2K 1v1 if you made absolutely no mistakes


MiG-23ML owner here, used it to finish the grind that the Su-25K couldn't. Ended up working pretty well. Second best MiG-23 behind the MLD. I'm pretty alert with my situational awareness, but im not gonna lie, I've caught a lot of R-24R's and T's as I've been grinding the Chinese lines, its the only thing I go hard after if I see it.


where have you been in my 2k hours of War Thunder? i had no idea that some aircraft couldn't detect your radar if it was in a certain band until the algorithm showed me in this vid. You definitely deserve my sub and like; this helped me out when I thought I already knew everything about top tier ARB


Got my first 8k game with this thing, used Ts at the start then Rs when the enemy team dwindled, it's surprisingly balanced and fun to fly and fight against.. Unlike some.


Fun fact at close ranges like 5km or about 8km the r24 is on par with r27er the booster of the r24R is 50000kn and 27er is 53000kn same burn time so you really just get less turning 27er for whole 1.0 br


I'm actually surprised how well the radar does at low altitude, I've been slammed by R24s at near tree top level and they just stick on me rather than dropping to the dirt


I love using IRST with the R24Ts i just wish the IRST fov was larger. It can struggle against maneuvering targets.


Great vid as usual. One thing I didn't hear mentioned is that the missiles are just so much better than NATO counterparts at equal BR. Having ground the Swedish and Japanese tech trees, the number of times I've died to head-on R60s at point blank where I wouldn't have been able get an equal shot off with AIM-9Ls/RB-74s is the most frustrating part of fighting against MiGs. That and how well the radar works at treetop level, no chance I can get as reliable of a lock in the F-16AJ or Viggens.


R24r is very reliable and its insanely good on the mig23ml since no one expects it and they just combust.


I got the Su-27 yesterday which took about a month from rank 1 using the 23ML. If you can play top tier, it’s a breeze


Not sure if it still functions this way in WT specifically, but the SPO-10 RWR on this aircraft is technically 8 directional, a lock to the 12, 3, 6 or 9 o'clock should be illuminating the two corresponding sectors, e.g a 12 o'clock lock shoud be illumiating both front sectors of the RWR, from the 3 it should illuminate both right sectors etc. i recall it working this way before the RWR rework recently but i wouldn't be surprised if it was screwed up in one of the recent updates. Regardless, it's still subpar for maintaining situational awareness and should only be used to roughly locate potential threats, while the good old mk1 eyeball is better for launch detection.


I bought the mig 23 ML when it was released and also got one for my friend. We were both able to get top tier Russia with it and it was actually a pretty fun grind compared to most.

We recently unlocked the gripen for Sweden as well, that tree was torture compared to using the 23 ML for Russia.


Got the ML originally to grid the russian air tech tree, got it done, each single time you die will teach you to eventually get that death as a kill. Now I use this thing as a SL farmer due to the R24R being wtf levels of radar guided missiles, and R60M doing their job relatively fine, even if they aren't some top dog missile like a R73.


Proud to have always been an R-24R stan from day one 🙏


Man those R-24's are insane, i was on the dirt throwing chaff and the missile just ignores all of it and nails me
