The 3 Best SSB CB Radios!

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Best SSB CB radios prices we reviewed in our video:
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In this video, we have done an extensive review of the top SSB CB radios and we rated them according to Features, Audio Clarity, Functionality, and Value for Money.
We categorized them as best budget, best premium, and lastly our top choice all things considered.

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McKinley was my first choice for a long time. I moved on to something different for my next rig. I’m going to keep it more simple and go with a AM/FM setup with some juice.


President Lincoln II V3 is my pick. It’s everything you need a CB to be. AM/FM/SSB, covers 10/11/12 meter bands by simply clipping a single wire. Can handle 12v or 24v power input. Does about 15w right out of the box.


The 980 ssb screen washes out during the day in a mobile, if using indoors it’s fine.


No mention of the Galaxy 959? The one thing folks should know about the Galaxy 959 is that they can be tuned up to over 25 watts and sounds as clear as a bell. The 959 has its complete board marked out so that it you want to turn your low end SSB signal down to one watt output, well there's the variable pot right there! Mine was tuned on the high end SSB at 32 watts but I keep it down to 25. I don't know if the Bearcat can duplicate the output of the Galaxy radios.
Out of those three choices, the President is the one I'd choose. Every President McKinley, or Lincoln radio I work on 10 or11 meter SSB has a very distinct sounding transmitter. Loud and Clear!
But seriously, you want to save yourself a boatload of money and already know you enjoy the radio hobby, Look into what is known as the 10 meter rigs, I suggest the Ranger RCI 2950 DX6, a mobile rig that can double as a base, puts out 80 watts and has a fantastic receiver. if you ever get the bug to obtain your ham ticket, a radio like the Ranger will allow you to work three different bands with All Modes. Pair that with a Jo Gunn Hillbilly at 50' and work the world! Australia and Hawaii start up every evening, these days, around 8:30PM Eastern and runs for an hour or so, so if ya get tired of TV, sick of being censored on Facebook, turn on your 11 Meter radio and work the world for a change of pace. The Solar Cycle still has a year or so to go before we hit the peak so get those antennas in the sky, key your mic and say, "Howdy World!"


Always wanted a Galaxy DX-2547 but cant get them in the UK


A peaked and tweaked Cobra 29 LTD will out do them all


I think the stryker is the best radio, I have the stryker 955 and it is a great radio


For $200.00 you can get a Radioddity QT 40 that will put to shame all these radios! Couldn't believe it. I've had it for 6 months and use it more than my Icom 718, out does it too! BIG BANG FOR THE BUCK!


I have the McKinley. It works great, but is just too complicated. There is no need for a CB radio to have all this crap on it. I have it set up as a base station. It is much smaller than the DX-2547, and fits in the hutch above my desk. Both the McKinley and the DX-2547 have a feature that the Bearcat 980SSB lacks, which makes that radio pretty much useless for me, especially for SSB. There is no RF power output control on it, which makes it impossible to use it with an amp without internal modifications.


Most of the comments on here are all about export 10 m radios. They are( not) cb radio they are10 meter radios


My advice everyone don't buy the barecat 980 or the president McKinley both radios are a piece of crap don't waste your money on those radios don't have many watts if you want a good radio rci Stryker and they even have a longhorn mobile cb the reason why Im saying this is I know what cb mobile radios are good and some are not good I've been on the cb for years and years 73s


I got my President McKinley (newest model with FM) a few days ago and am still playing with it and trying to learn how it operates. Seems there’s a lot of junk from states away clogging the frequencies and I’ve made only 2 contacts locally. Haven’t been able to experience the USB or LSB either. I also bought a Cobra 75 All Road for a different truck and am kinda wishing I’d have gotten 2 McKinleys. Definitely a good choice. My only complaint is that I’m getting alternator whine that I have not had when using 2 other radios in the same truck. My wire came today so hoping the noise will go away once I’m hooked directly to the battery.


if it doesn't have a scanner, what's the use?
